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Hi all,

I'm trying to port some of old HP41's programs to HP42s. I search equivalent instructions for ACA and ACX existing in HP41 but not in HP42s.


Can you help me ?
Thank in advance.
Neither ACA nor ACX are included in any version of the bare-bones HP-41, not even the 41CX. They do become available when the Printer ROM is plugged in, or an HP-IL module, or the Infrared Printer module. The DM42 doesn't include the ACA or ACX functions either.
ACA (accumulate alpha) adds the contents of the ALPHA register to the printer's buffer, and ACX (accumulate X) adds the contents of the X register. There will probably also be PRBUF instructions, which cause the printer to print the contents of the buffer without waiting for it to fill up. The buffer is automatically printed when it fills up, so a program may choose not to use PRBUF during processing, and only call it once, at the end, to flush whatever hasn't been printed yet. Or it may call PRBUF more frequently, to get the output to appear without delay.

There are no direct equivalents on the HP-42S, since it doesn't expose the print buffer the way the HP-82143A and the HP-IL printers do. So logic that makes heavy use of ACA, ACX, and other AC* functions, may not be trivial to port, at least not to a real 42S. (In Free42, you could emulate the buffer using long strings and APPEND.)

Many thanks. I will try a way to do.
Have a good day.
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