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Full Version: Wrong integration
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Hi, I have a new Prime G2 with the latest 2021.12.02 firmware.
But it can't handle with integral int(sin(x^20),x,-20,20) in non-CAS mode. What is wrong?
The CAS shows the correct result, the same integral calculated correctly from -10 to 10. Also, the Windows emulator works well.
Does HP Prime have any settings for integration?

[Image: undefined.png]

[Image: undefined-CAS.png]
I have the same calculator/firmware and I'm getting the correct answer in both CAS and Home. I tried various settings but could not reproduce your result.
Seems I found the issue.
I see the CAS setiings, and epsilon were 1e-100. I changed to 0.000000000001 as the Windows emulator has. And finally, it works.
I have some more notes that integration results really depend on epsilon value.
Even default 0.000000000001 is not sufficient for some equations, need to reduce.
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