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Full Version: HP97, black cable, where to?
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I would like to repair my HP97. The mathematical functions are running, according to initial tests. However, there is a black cable next to the electric motor and I don't know where to connect it. Does anyone know?
One end is connected to one pole of the electric motor.

Please see picture.

Greetings Uli
Well if it is from the motor it would plug into the printer card next to the red wire. From the view you posted it would be at the right end. You may be able to reconnect it without unplugging the printer card, but if you do unplug the card make sure all the pins are aligned good with the holes in the card, the connector pins break off if bent over and there is no source of replacement other than another calculator.

(10-10-2021 03:45 PM)Paul Berger (Canada) Wrote: [ -> ]Well if it is from the motor it would plug into the printer card next to the red wire. From the view you posted it would be at the right end. You may be able to reconnect it without unplugging the printer card, but if you do unplug the card make sure all the pins are aligned good with the holes in the card, the connector pins break off if bent over and there is no source of replacement other than another calculator.


Great , Thank you
Yes that would be the spot. In case you did not know there is a service guide for the 97 with complete schematics and board diagrams it is available on the Museum manual collect USB stick for sure, but may be available elsewhere as well.

I have got the museums USB but unfortunately I am only a mechanical engineer and not really firm in reading wiring diagrams. You helped me. Thank you!!!
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