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Full Version: (12C) Feet and Inches < > Centimeter Converter
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Program to convert between Feet Inches and Centimeter


01 [g] [n]
02 [RCL] [n]
03 [R/S]
04 [+]
05  2
06  .
07  5
08  4
09 [x]
10 [g] [GTO] 00
11  2
12  .
13  5
14  4
15 [1/x]
16 [x]
17 [g] [i]
18 [g] [INTG]
19 [R/S]
20 [RCL] [i]
21 [g] [FRAC]
22 [g] [n]
23 [R/S]
24 [g] [GTO] 11


Feet Inch To Centimeters ( Setup [ f ] [ PRGM ] )

5' 5'' = 165.1 cm
5 [R/S] display 60.0
5 [R/S] display answer 165.1

Centimeters To Feet Inch ( Setup [ g ] [ GTO ] 11 )

180 cm = 5' 10.9"
180 [R/S] display Feet 5.0 [R/S] display Inches 10.9

Press [ X<>Y ] Toggle Feet and Inches

Each conversion can be use repeatedly until doing the Setup Change

Gamo 8/2021
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