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Full Version: Repeat Last App Function
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Is there a shortcut to repeat the last app function used instead of going through the Toolbox menus again?
I also agree with this feature request. I suggested something similar in this post:
(07-07-2021 08:16 AM)sascha Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a shortcut to repeat the last app function used instead of going through the Toolbox menus again?

Copied below is my reply to the same question on HP's Calculator Forum:

Simple answer: No.

More complete answer: There is no single-keystroke method. However, it only takes two keystrokes to access the most recently used function (regardless of whether it's an app function or not), if the previous execution of your function was via the Toolbox Catalog menu. (Toolbox, Enter). Since there is no way to do this with a single keystroke, using the Toolbox is the most efficient method.

If you use "app functions" regularly, I suggest using the keyboard numeric shortcuts which are displayed in the menus. For example, access to the current app's 2nd function can always be accessed by pressing Toolbox 1 2 (assuming that the App tab is active in the Toolbox menu).

I must confess that I often use the Paste key to re-input any of the four most recent edit lines. It's not as keystroke efficient as the keyboard shortcuts in the various menus, but Paste is always available and I have never been able to memorize all the menus and their respective shortcuts.

Other HP Prime users will hopefully chime in here with other suggestions for keyboard efficiency.
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