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Full Version: (50G) Yes or no
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here is what I have now for YN for 50G.
%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
\<< CLLCD "?
Yes or No" + 1 DISP { "YES" "" "" "" "" "NO" } TMENU
  DO -1 WAIT
  UNTIL { 16.1 42.1 102.1 64.1 11.1 92.1 } SWAP POS
    IF DUP
    THEN 3.1 - 1
    ELSE 1500 .1 BEEP
  END 0 MENU SIGN \-> X 'X>0'
takes a string then asks for Y or N, Yes or No, 0 or 1 and returns 0 for no 1 for yes.
crude, imperfect, but it works.
Now let's see you write a Magic 8-ball emulator.
(07-01-2014 08:17 AM)HP67 Wrote: [ -> ]Now let's see you write a Magic 8-ball emulator.

and the answer is:
● It is certain
● It is decidedly so
● Without a doubt
● Yes definitely
● You may rely on it
● As I see it, yes
● Most likely
● Outlook good
● Yes
● Signs point to yes
● Reply hazy try again
● Ask again later
● Better not tell you now
● Cannot predict now
● Concentrate and ask again
● Don't count on it
● My reply is no
● My sources say no
● Outlook not so good
● Very doubtful
please randomly pick one of the above answers.
Good going. I was thinking about a graphical version though. Maybe your grob-meister skills will come in handy!
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