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This is a simple unit conversion program built mainly using the conversion factors from the 48.

To use, RUN CONV, enter a value to convert, enter the abbreviation of the units to convert from, and then enter the abbreviation of the units to convert to. The converted value will be displayed, and also available in RES.

The program will make sure you don't attempt to convert across categories of units, e.g. feet to Newtons, and will display "INCONSISTENT UNITS" if you attempt this.


Convert 5 fl.oz. to mL:

? 5
147.867647812 ML

Unit abbreviations should be entered in uppercase, with two exceptions: Greek mu is replaced with lowercase u in microns and microliters, and the speed of light is entered as lowercase c so as not to confuse it with Celsius. Temperatures are entered as a single character with no degree symbol.

To add more units, simply add additional program lines to check U$ and set F accordingly. To find the value to use for F, convert 1 of the new unit to the base unit (the first entry in each group where F=1). So if you frequently use picoliters, add line 156 that sets F=1E-15 (1 pL converted to m^3) when U$="PL".

Entirely new categories of units can be added by setting C at the beginning of each category block. Or you can delete lines/categories you don't need to save memory.

Code is listed below, and a LIF file is attached. On-device program size is 2,414 bytes.

0001 DIM X,F,O,C,D,U$
0010 INPUT X
0020 INPUT "FROM? ";U$ @ GOSUB 100
0021 IF C=0 THEN GOTO 90
0022 D=C @ X=(X-O)*F
0030 INPUT "TO? ";U$ @ GOSUB 100
0031 IF C=0 THEN GOTO 90
0040 X=X/F+O @ PRINT X;U$ @ END 
0100 O=0 @ C=1 @ REM LENGTH
0101 IF U$="M" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0102 IF U$="CM" THEN F=.01 @ RETURN 
0103 IF U$="MM" THEN F=.001 @ RETURN 
0104 IF U$="KM" THEN F=1000 @ RETURN 
0105 IF U$="IN" THEN F=.0254 @ RETURN 
0106 IF U$="FT" THEN F=.3048 @ RETURN 
0107 IF U$="MI" THEN F=1609.344 @ RETURN 
0108 IF U$="YD" THEN F=.9144 @ RETURN 
0109 IF U$="LYR" THEN F=9.46052840488E+15 @ RETURN 
0110 IF U$="NMI" THEN F=1852 @ RETURN 
0111 IF U$="FATH" THEN F=1.82880365761 @ RETURN 
0112 IF U$="MIL" THEN F=.0000254 @ RETURN 
0113 IF U$="u" THEN F=.000001 @ RETURN 
0120 C=2 @ REM AREA
0121 IF U$="SQM" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0122 IF U$="SQCM" THEN F=.0001 @ RETURN 
0123 IF U$="SQYD" THEN F=.83612736 @ RETURN 
0124 IF U$="SQFT" THEN F=.09290304 @ RETURN 
0125 IF U$="SQIN" THEN F=.00064516 @ RETURN 
0126 IF U$="SQKM" THEN F=1000000 @ RETURN 
0127 IF U$="HA" THEN F=10000 @ RETURN 
0128 IF U$="SQMI" THEN F=2589988.11034 @ RETURN 
0129 IF U$="ACRE" THEN F=4046.87260987 @ RETURN 
0140 C=3 @ REM VOLUME
0141 IF U$="M^3" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0142 IF U$="CM^3" THEN F=.000001 @ RETURN 
0143 IF U$="YD^3" THEN F=.764554857984 @ RETURN 
0144 IF U$="FT^3" THEN F=.028316846592 @ RETURN 
0145 IF U$="IN^3" THEN F=.000016387064 @ RETURN 
0146 IF U$="L" THEN F=.001 @ RETURN 
0147 IF U$="GAL" THEN F=.003785411784 @ RETURN 
0148 IF U$="PT" THEN F=.000473176473 @ RETURN 
0149 IF U$="QT" THEN F=.000946352946 @ RETURN 
0150 IF U$="ML" THEN F=.000001 @ RETURN 
0151 IF U$="CU" THEN F=.0002365882365 @ RETURN 
0152 IF U$="FLOZ" THEN F=2.95735295625E-5 @ RETURN 
0153 IF U$="TBSP" THEN F=1.47867647813E-5 @ RETURN 
0154 IF U$="TSP" THEN F=4.92892159375E-6 @ RETURN 
0155 IF U$="uL" THEN F=.000000001 @ RETURN 
0160 C=4 @ REM MASS
0161 IF U$="KG" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0162 IF U$="G" THEN F=.001 @ RETURN 
0163 IF U$="MG" THEN F=.000001 @ RETURN 
0164 IF U$="LB" THEN F=.45359237 @ RETURN 
0165 IF U$="OZ" THEN F=.028349523125 @ RETURN 
0166 IF U$="CT" THEN F=.0002 @ RETURN 
0167 IF U$="ST" THEN F=6.35029 @ RETURN 
0180 C=5 @ REM FORCE
0181 IF U$="N" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0182 IF U$="LBF" THEN F=4.44822161526 @ RETURN 
0200 C=6 @ REM ENERGY
0201 IF U$="J" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0202 IF U$="ERG" THEN F=.0000001 @ RETURN 
0203 IF U$="KCAL" THEN F=4186.8 @ RETURN 
0204 IF U$="CAL" THEN F=4.1868 @ RETURN 
0205 IF U$="FT*LBF" THEN F=1.35581794833 @ RETURN 
0206 IF U$="THERM" THEN F=105506000 @ RETURN 
0207 IF U$="MEV" THEN F=1.60219E-13 @ RETURN 
0208 IF U$="EV" THEN F=1.60219E-19 @ RETURN 
0209 IF U$="BTU" THEN F=1055.05585262 @ RETURN 
0221 IF U$="C" THEN F=1 @ O=0 @ RETURN 
0222 IF U$="F" THEN F=5/9 @ O=32 @ RETURN 
0223 IF U$="K" THEN F=1 @ O=273.15 @ RETURN 
0224 IF U$="R" THEN F=5/9 @ O=491.67 @ RETURN 
0241 IF U$="PA" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0242 IF U$="ATM" THEN F=101325 @ RETURN 
0243 IF U$="BAR" THEN F=100000 @ RETURN 
0244 IF U$="PSI" THEN F=6894.75729317 @ RETURN 
0245 IF U$="TORR" OR U$="MMHG" THEN F=133.322368421 @ RETURN 
0246 IF U$="INHG" THEN F=3386.38815789 @ RETURN 
0247 IF U$="INH2O" THEN F=248.84 @ RETURN 
0248 IF U$="CMH2O" THEN F=97.968503937 @ RETURN 
0249 IF U$="KG/CM^2" THEN F=98066.5 @ RETURN 
0260 C=9 @ REM SPEED
0261 IF U$="M/S" THEN F=1 @ RETURN 
0262 IF U$="CM/S" THEN F=.01 @ RETURN 
0263 IF U$="FT/S" THEN F=.3048 @ RETURN 
0264 IF U$="KPH" THEN F=1/3.6 @ RETURN 
0265 IF U$="MPH" THEN F=.44704 @ RETURN 
0266 IF U$="KT" THEN F=.514444444445 @ RETURN 
0267 IF U$="c" THEN F=299792458 @ RETURN 
0268 IF U$="LYR/HR" THEN F=2.62792455691E+12 @ RETURN 
1000 C=0 @ RETURN

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