11-18-2020, 08:38 AM
(1 minute reading text)
I was making some calculus, testing and remember some formulas, so, in HP50, I accessed EQ LIB.
My dog was barking loud and I went check what was happening.
When I came back I no longer remembered which equation I had used.
Is there something like LAST EQ LIB USED, able to return to the beginning of the operation?
I stopped here:
I need to return to
these screenshoots are merely illustrative.
(1 minute reading text)
I was making some calculus, testing and remember some formulas, so, in HP50, I accessed EQ LIB.
My dog was barking loud and I went check what was happening.
When I came back I no longer remembered which equation I had used.
Is there something like LAST EQ LIB USED, able to return to the beginning of the operation?
I stopped here:
I need to return to
these screenshoots are merely illustrative.