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Full Version: GET - picking an element of a list
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The list object is a good paradigm to return more than a value in a program, eventually of various types.
Well because the Prime is not a RPL calculator, there cannot be an OBJ-> function.

My question is: how to pick an element of a list, in the Home view ?

First approach: manually edit the given list, to copy or isolate the needed element.
Not really clever.

Second approach: assign the list to a var, then use direct addressing on that var.
(Result: 6)

This is a good approach, but most of the time we don’t need a persistent var to handle a single value.

Third approach (my favorite, but... see #4): using Ans
(Result: 6)

Good approach also, but your list is not always in Ans.

Fourth approach, object of this post: using the GET function, if Ans doesn’t handle your list, and you just want to pick the list in the history.
(Result: 6)

Well good but... there is no GET function!
Don’t panic, here it is:



What are your tricks?
Regards, Thibault
Good solution.
You may be interested in my collection of other List routines here.
Widely complete!
The conversation in this thread points the problem of subdivisions or packages in the catalog view.
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