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An excerpt from Has Anyone Seen OSCAR 7?, - find it with your SR-56, 73 magazine, APR 1979, pgs. 122-123

… how to use the orbit times supplied in 73 Magazine. I've used the standard 115 minutes added to each orbit, but, when it comes down to the next initial orbit data given, it doesn't figure precisely. Once I got my new toy, it only took 40 feet of paper and an hour to figure out the math of it. The calculator I use is the Texas Instruments SR-56.
  Now, here's how I figure orbits. After loading the program (Fig. 1) in the calculator …

Thanks a lot for all the links you share with us MoHPC members. I enjoy these old documents very much.It would be too bad if they would be forgotten and if they would disappear in the big binary void.

Best regards

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