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I have ordered all twoweims stand models and I have started to received them. (2 out of 3 models)
There are very nice, very sturdy, are somewhat slippery on hard surface but easily fixed by adding a thin rubber underneath.
Thank you twoweims for making them available.


PS: I have to break this post because it has too many images. :-(
PPS: it seems that the system is having problem handling images, I will try again in a couple of minutes. [edit: worked]
HP-71B + PIL Box stand pictures:

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_1a.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_1b.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_2a.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_2b.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_3a.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_3b.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_4a.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_4b.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_med_stand_5.jpeg]
HP-41, HP-67, Classic, Pioneer and DM42/DM41X stand pictures:

[Image: HP-41_med_stand_1.jpeg]

[Image: HP-41_med_stand_4.jpeg]

[Image: HP-41_med_stand_2.jpeg]

[Image: HP-41_med_stand_5.jpeg]

[Image: HP-41_med_stand_6.jpeg]

[Image: HP-41_med_stand_3.jpeg]
... and the last one, the HP-71B stand:

[Image: HP-71_stand__1.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_stand__2.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_stand__3.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_stand__4.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_stand__5.jpeg]

[Image: HP-71_stand__7.jpeg]
Thank you for the kind review.

There are more in production with some new colors.
There is a Voyager Stand on the way. It will fit both HP and SM (full sized) Voyagers.
Stay tuned...
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