TRN() doesn't return the correct answer in Home, e.g.
[[2 1+i][1-i 3]] returns [[2 1-i][1+i 3]], which is indistinguishable from transpose().
CAS returns the transpose with complex conjugates, [[2 1+i][1-i 3]].
Maybe this was fixed in the Jan 2020 firmware; I just realized I'm still running Oct 2018.
(05-19-2020 02:57 PM)Helge Gabert Wrote: [ -> ]TRN() doesn't return the correct answer in Home, e.g.
[[2 1+i][1-i 3]] returns [[2 1-i][1+i 3]], which is indistinguishable from transpose().
CAS returns the transpose with complex conjugates, [[2 1+i][1-i 3]].
Maybe this was fixed in the Jan 2020 firmware; I just realized I'm still running Oct 2018.
I can confirm that it doesn't return the conjugate transpose in home, even in the latest firmware, with complex turned on in both home and cas. I don't know if it's supposed to be that way.
If you use CAS.TRN() in home it works though.
Thanks for the info!
Yes, CAS.TRN() also works with the Oct 2018 firmware in Home. Need to remind myself to use that in a Home program . . .
I think it may be a bug inherited from the HP 39gII where TRN behaves incorrectly as in the HP Prime's Home mode. On the older HP 39gs, TRN does a complex conjugate transpose as described in the manual.