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Well... I finally scanned it in (whew!)

Fractals On Hewlett-Packard's HP-28 and HP-48 can be downloaded from https://archive.org/details/fractals-on-...-and-hp-48
Thanks for scanning and sharing Chris! Smile
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for making the book available!

Just to let you know that my books are still available online for free. If you wish a paper copy, they are back on Amazon ;-)


(available on all Amazon platoforms...)

Best regards and happy 28/48 !
(10-19-2020 06:39 AM)Paul Courbis Wrote: [ -> ]Just to let you know that my books are still available online for free. If you wish a paper copy, they are back on Amazon ;-)

Thanks Paul.

Are the books sold on Amazon Print-on-Demand or new copies as originally printed by Grapevine?
(10-19-2020 12:46 PM)rprosperi Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Paul.

Are the books sold on Amazon Print-on-Demand or new copies as originally printed by Grapevine?

They are on demand reprints. I finally found the old source files and was able to regenerate the books in good print quality ;-)

Sorry for people who wants to get the original books, I only have one copy of each and won't selle them....
nice topic! Thank you all (there should be thank button)
(10-19-2020 12:50 PM)Paul Courbis Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-19-2020 12:46 PM)rprosperi Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Paul.

Are the books sold on Amazon Print-on-Demand or new copies as originally printed by Grapevine?

They are on demand reprints. I finally found the old source files and was able to regenerate the books in good print quality ;-)

Sorry for people who wants to get the original books, I only have one copy of each and won't selle them....

Thanks. My experience with POD books has been the copy and paper quality are poor, so perhaps I will explore the online versions instead.

Can you please share where these are online? At least for me, only the titles in English are germane, but you may want to share all of them as many members here read French as well.

Thanks again, glad you're still staying in touch with the community! Smile
I have a question For Paul Courbis or others that may know the answer.
I bought twice the book ‘hp48 programming utilities’ written by Ray depew and twice I received the book ‘an easy course in financial Calculation’ by Chris Coffin edited by Grapevine publications.

If you look on amazon for the first book, the picture visible will be of the second one. I think that there was a mismatch at the isbn code but I have no proof of that.

This is not an Amazon issue because the second time I bought it through TOS...

Since this book seems to be written also by Paul Courbis I was wondering if he knows the reason that that issue.

In breaF, I never saw the “hp48 programming utilities“ book in my life...

Thank to anyone can understand this issue.

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