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Full Version: (HP-97) Linear Regression & ß=r²
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An extract from Gas Chromatography, R. E, Kaiser, Institute for Chromatography {Chromatographia, Vol. 10, No. 6, June 1977, pgs. 323-338}

The correct evaluation of separation columns, capillary columns, their interconnections and the dosage technique is important in gas chromatography as well as in liquid chromatographic methods …

Highly conclusive evaluation factors (which must be statistically secured by additional calculations) are obtained. The basic evaluation procedures will be explained, and examples will be given for the method of measurement, the calculation and plotting techniques (programs for the Hewlett-Packard calculator HP-97 or 67 is provided) …

The program allows to enter any further pair of data and to recalculate the regression data without 'clear data', if the additional data group belongs to the total of the data to be handled by regression …

IFC-Program of HP-97 …"

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