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An extract from A Pesticide Calibration and Mixing Program for Hand-Held Calculators, Paul McLeod, Department of Entomology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville {J. Agric. Entomol. 5(1): 1-4 (January 1988)} 4 pgs.

"Abstract: This paper reports on a software program written for a hand-held Hewlett-Packard HP-41 calculator that aids in pesticide mixing and sprayer calibration. Advantages offered by the calculator system over similar personal computer programs include reduced cost, field portability, and the ability to input spraying parameters in a combination of English and metric units. Furthennore, the calculator program is less rigid in input requirements and allows changes in individual sprayer parameters without reentry of unchanged parameters that personal computer programs require.

The objective of this report is to describe a software program written for a hand-held Hewlett-Packard HP-41 calculator … utilizes the user-definable keys on the HP-41 in order to eliminate reentry of unchanged sprayer parameters.
The HP-41 system components required are the HP-41 calculator, overlay (Fig.1) and the program. Magnetic program cards and a card reader are beneficial but not required. Program lines are listed in Fig. 2. These lines may be entered through keystrokes or by use of the optional card reader.

The sprayer calibration and mixing program may appear complicated, however it offers a quick and functional method for sprayer calibration and mixing. Total time for program initialization, sprayer calibration and mixing determinations for a small plot study with 10 insecticide treatments, is generally less than two min. Furthermore, the calculator system is portable, less expensive and, under most field conditions, offers a practical alternative to the personal computer program."

Program "SPRAYER" is included in the PAPZ module from the CL Library.
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