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Full Version: Third party cases for HP67 and HP 200LX
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The HP67 I've found was sold without its original pouch, so I've looked for a basic protective case to store the calculator.
I've found that some very cheap cases designed for the "New Nintento 2DS XL" console are perfectly suited for the HP67. I have ordered mine from this seller:
There are many other sellers of these EVA cases on ebay or amazon. I can just tell that the delivery delay from China to France for this seller was only 11 days.

The case is made of a semi rigid material. When it is closed, the screen is well protected, and the calculator inside is perfectly maintained. No need to use the elastic bands.
These cases are certainly suited for all the HP Classic calculators as well, which are slightly smaller than the HP67.

I thought that my HP200LX deserved its protective case too. Smile
But for it, the case above is too tight. It needs a "New Nintendo 3DS XL" model.
If you are interested, be careful that the case must be specifically made for the New 3DS XL version. Some cases are described as suited for both the New 2DS and the 3DS XL, but in fact they are exactly the previous case.

I've chosen this one:
Its available on Amazon too. Just search for "orzly 3ds xl".
I like the textured surface and the handle. The case fits the HP200LX like a glove. No need here again to use the elastic bands.

There are certainly other solutions, but I've found these cases very protective and convenient.
Oh wow, that's a perfect fit for the 200LX! You'd think I would have noticed the size similarity by now, with as much as I play my 3DS and use my 200LX. Wink I might have to take a look around Gamestop and see what they have.
Only genuine hide from the brown Nauga Beast can be used to house a Classic HP Calculator!
This will surely void the warranty and cause other unspecified damage! Smile
(08-27-2019 06:57 PM)twoweims Wrote: [ -> ]Only genuine hide from the brown Nauga Beast can be used to house a Classic HP Calculator!
This will surely void the warranty and cause other unspecified damage! Smile

I'm fully aware of the potential disasters.
That's the reason why I have a spare unit Smile
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