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Full Version: HP-15C—The Sequel...?
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Hi all.

Given the 15C version 2 (LE) was available sometime later, why wasn’t there a 15C replacement in the series which contained the HP-33S, and HP-35S? I seem to have forgotten the names of the series from which these came.
(08-03-2019 07:31 PM)Matt Agajanian Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all.

Given the 15C version 2 (LE) was available sometime later, why wasn’t there a 15C replacement in the series which contained the HP-33S, and HP-35S? I seem to have forgotten the names of the series from which these came.

The 33S and 35S models are not from any named series (though each did have a code-name or project-name, "Swan" and "Retro" respectively). Some people consider the 33S a sorta-Pioneer (which is indeed where it came from, the 32SII) but I've never heard the 35S called Pioneer.

The 15C was largely seen as the top of the non-expandable product line at the time, but once into the late 80's, all the high-end machines were expandable (and so, larger) so the 48 or 49/50 series were/are arguably replacements for the 15C, but the extremely different form factor and fundamentally different programming model (RPN vs. RPL) make them sufficiently different that they really cannot be compared.

Very few people that really like the 15C also like and use a 48/49/50 machine, and vice-versa - they are simply too different. In fact the only way they are truly very similar is that they both are considered top-end machines for their time.
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