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Full Version: New HP Prime Skins v5 working on FW 13865.
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I just like to share some skins, I just added a Medium Size Skin, I hope you like them.
To use the XLarge Skin, You have to download Parts 1 & 2, then put them together in the directory path described below.

1.- Close the virtual calculator.

2.- Unzip all the files, (each skin has 4 files).

3.- Copy and paste only the files to the following path:
C:\ ... \Documents\HP Prime\Skins
o en español:
C:\ ...\Documentos\HP Prime\Máscaras

4.- Now you open the virtual calculator and change the skin.


Hola Dante, dentro de Documents no existe el folder HP Prime\Skins aunque, si manualmente tu lo creas y colocas los archivos, hprime virtual los puede leer, pero creo que es por compatibilidad con las versiones anteriores, por defecto los archivos deben estar en

32 bits
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Prime Virtual Calculator\images\
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Prime Virtual Calculator\skins\

64 bits
C:\Program Files\HP\HP Prime Virtual Calculator\images\
C:\Program Files\HP\HP Prime Virtual Calculator\skins\

Por lo tanto hay que realizar esta aclaración

Muchas Gracias
Hello Compsystems!

I just installed the HP Prime virtual calculator FW 13865 in windows 10, Once you run it, it automatically creates a folder called HP Prime\Skins within the "Documents" folder.
C:\ ... \Documents\HP Prime\Skins
Then you just drop the skin files in there and that would be it.
I remember Tim Wessman said that this folder was specifically designed for personalized User Skins, that's why I sent them there.
Also I don't have a 32bit PC so I assume it should work there as well.
Enviarla a Documentos evita las direcciones 32 o 64 bits en Archivos de programas que debemos evitar mandar a alguien ahí, anteriormente Tim Wessman mencionó que es preferible usar Documentos antes que la carpeta de instalación en Archivos de programa
The correct place for skins is in Documents/HP Prime/Skins as stated. The only exception would be if you are installing for many users.

It will find them in the install directory, but that will remove them when you install in the future potentially.
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