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Full Version: (48) Shoelace Method For Determining A Polygon's Area
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Shoelace Method for determining the area enclosed by any polygon. Enter the (X,Y) coordinates of the N polygon corners in a 2xN matrix and run the program. Example enter the following matrix of (X,Y) coordinates:

[[2 5]
[7 10]
[12 20]
[8 12]
[4 3]]

The polygon area calculated by the program is 10.5
This program works as well for the HP-48:

  2 \<< CROSS \>> DOSUBS

However the pair of coordinates are expected in a list.

[ 2 5 ]
[ 7 10 ]
[ 12 20 ]
[ 8 12 ]
[ 4 3 ]

Area = 10.5
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