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Full Version: RCL59 for iOS gone!
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Hi there.

In my browsing around for TI and HP classics for iOS, it seems I’ve stumbled on a bit of sadness. It would seem Paul Novaes’ RCL59 (at least that’s the iOS version. I think Android’s equal is RCL58.) has been pulled from the Apple iTunes App Store. I’m not certain the fate of the Android app.

So, if you have RCL59 or RCL58 for Android, back it up (as well as all other goodies on your iOS device) onto your desktop/laptop.
(07-04-2018 02:59 AM)Matt Agajanian Wrote: [ -> ]So, if you have RCL59 or RCL58 for Android, back it up (as well as all other goodies on your iOS device) onto your desktop/laptop.

RCL58 is still available in the Android Play Store, at least it is still there now...
Thanks! As I use iOS, I was unaware of the Android status. Thanks for the correction.
I wrote an email to Paul Novaes a week ago, asking about this, and still haven't heard back. I'm surprised because I actually exchanged a couple of emails with him a few weeks earlier, also about RCL-59.

It looks like he didn't pull RCL-59, but let his App Store account lapse. (I guess that means I'll lose RCL-59 next time I switch to a new iPhone.) I hope he's alright!
I wonder if he let his annual $99 USD Apple IOS developer fee lapse because he wasn't making enough money from the app sales to cover it? This is what happened with Maciej Bartosiak and his Classic/Woodstock/Spice series of IOS emulators.
(07-11-2018 02:24 AM)Steve Simpkin Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if he let his annual $99 USD Apple IOS developer fee lapse because he wasn't making enough money from the app sales to cover it? This is what happened with Maciej Bartosiak and his Classic/Woodstock/Spice series of IOS emulators.

Yes, I remember those. Maciej’s ports of Spice series calcs were definitely my favourite.
(07-11-2018 02:24 AM)Steve Simpkin Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if he let his annual $99 USD Apple IOS developer fee lapse because he wasn't making enough money from the app sales to cover it?

Or maybe he got fed up with iOS development in general... I just started adding iPhone X support in Free42, which in theory should be easy, but is turning into a big pile of frustration because things just don't work right, and the documentation offers no clue as to what I could be doing wrong. This is far from the first time I've had such problems, unfortunately, and I've considered just dropping support for the platform on several occasions because of this. Android development is a walk in the park by comparison.

I'm not giving up yet, but I could understand that one might!
RCL-59 is back. I just heard from Paul, and he had indeed let his App Store account lapse -- just not on purpose. It took a while to get that fixed.
(07-16-2018 06:38 AM)Thomas Okken Wrote: [ -> ]RCL-59 is back. I just heard from Paul, and he had indeed let his App Store account lapse -- just not on purpose. It took a while to get that fixed.

This is good news. It’s good to see its availability there as well as Google Play.
(07-16-2018 06:38 AM)Thomas Okken Wrote: [ -> ]RCL-59 is back. I just heard from Paul, and he had indeed let his App Store account lapse -- just not on purpose. It took a while to get that fixed.

Thanks for your well-timed prod Thomas.
Just noticed that this seems to have vanished again, or at least I can't find it on my iPhone/iPad.
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