(07-02-2018 01:26 AM)compsystems Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, the following manual shows a new interface data input/output, which could be inspiration to improve the current interface.
I'm the author of the app, which is still under development. Like some others have undoubtedly discovered, sometimes it simply takes some effort to create a interface that you want but isn't possible with built-in commands. I have found PPL gives us the tools required to create custom interfaces relatively easily.
Among other tasks, I created an entire custom INPUT replacement which enabled me to present a user experience that I was trying to achieve but was not able to with the PPL
INPUT command. I have a few items still on the to-do list to really complete the implementation as I had envisioned. Once it is complete I plan to provide the source with full documentation in case it can be useful for others. Right now I have many other priorities so it will take time to get there.
Some of the capabilities include:
- Many different input data types can be specified for fields with complete custom display for each type. For the purpose of the app these include distances, angles, directions, stationing, grade slopes, text, choose lists, checkboxes, buttons, etc. Checkboxes and choose items are able to turn on/off other field/label visibility.
- Ability to enable/disable fields and labels
- Ability to perform complex input parsing for each data type on entry
- Custom menus depending on field data type, and status of edit mode with possibility for input manipulation during entry
- Ability to display graphical objects within the input form
- Navigation possible with both touch and keyboard
- Touch keypad "hot spots" within input fields that require input entry, with ability to set specific keypads depending on the field data type. Numeric only, alpha only, mix, etc. The goal is to make the entire form possible to use entirely with touch-only OR keyboard-only.