(03-31-2018 07:56 PM)Craig Bladow Wrote: [ -> ]I have a LIF disk that I can list the directory from an HP-41 with the command "DIR", I would like to do the same thing from an HP-71B, but there is no DIR command. Also, would the 71 be able to list a directory that was written by a 41?
A LIF disk catalog (directory) is readable by any of the machines that support those drives (41, 71, 75, 83, 85, 86, 87, etc.).
On a 71 you use the CAT command. It will initially display the first file, then you use the up and down arrows to move along the file list.
The mass storage device can be addressed several ways. These examples all display catalog of the first mass storage device:
CAT :1 (assuming the mass storage device is the first device on the loop, else :2 for 2nd, :3 for 3rd, etc.)
If you know the volume label for the disk, e.g. "MYVOL", you could also use:
CAT .MYVOL (note the initial dot)
You can also get directory info for a given known file; e.g. for "myfile"
CAT MYFILE:TAPE(1) to see all the details (file type, date, time)
Note that on the '71 (unlike '75 or Series-80) quotes are NOT used around the device/file arguments.
Files from an HP-41 are typically not recognized by a '71, so you can read the directory, but most files types appear unknown, except a '41 ASCII file appears as '71 TEXT file.
A '71 can be enhanced to 'recognize' other file types by LEX files with poll handlers; for example the JPC ROM adds to ability to recognize almost all '41, '71 and '75 file types, plus also a few of the Series-80 file types.
However, just because the CAT command can recognize these file types, it does not mean the '71 can open/read them, that would depend on special s/w that understands how to interpret the files' contents.