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I'm having difficulty entering d/dx equations into the advanced graphing app, even something as simple as d(sin (x))/dx

What is the proper syntax?
(03-07-2018 02:48 PM)lrdheat Wrote: [ -> ]I'm having difficulty entering d/dx equations into the advanced graphing app, even something as simple as d(sin (x))/dx

What is the proper syntax?

I succeed here (iPhone): try to use the template -> C key to input the d/dx symbol.

These work:
Hesitation to come back to this discussion, but no success on iPad or hardware using any of these forms in advanced graphing app, and setting it equal to Y.

No matter what I do, a plot briefly shows of the entire screen filled in the color, followed by invalid object error.
Actually, I get the error first, then solidly filled screen when I press escape. This with every variant...template of d/dx sin (x)=y, d(sin (x))/dx =y, (sin(x)',x)=y, and variants using dx=x.

I missing something here...
I also get the error. Tried both radians and degrees.
This advanced graphing app question was prompted by another curiosity...in the regular graphing app, d(sin(x))/dx plots fine, but the function analysis choice of extremum finds no extremum on the graph.

Why does this function pose difficulties in both regular and advanced graphing apps?
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