I'd like to print from HP-42s or HP-41CX or DM 42 or HP-50g, not only in a HP 82240B, but in a PC or Macbook via something like a sort of infrared receiver and a program, to have Postcript prints (like with PILbox and Pyilper)...
Has anyone tried with an IR?
(02-14-2018 11:19 AM)salvomic Wrote: [ -> ]hi,
I'd like to print from HP-42s or HP-41CX or DM 42 or HP-50g, not only in a HP 82240B, but in a PC or Macbook via something like a sort of infrared receiver and a program, to have Postcript prints (like with PILbox and Pyilper)...
Has anyone tried with an IR?
It would be too easy...
Since the protocol is Red-Eye or SIR and not IrDA you cannot use the IR sensors available on some PCs.
I remember I saw on eBay, some 15-20 years ago, a kludge to connect on the serial port of a PC that permitted to receive IR data from HP calculators: there were several offered, but they always went for too much to justify the use I could have had for them.
(02-14-2018 11:32 AM)Massimo Gnerucci Wrote: [ -> ]It would be too easy...
Since the protocol is SIR and not IrDA you cannot use the IR sensors available on some PCs.
I remember I saw on eBay, some 15-20 years ago, a kludge to connect on the serial port of a PC that permitted to receive SIR data from HP calculators: there were several offered, but they always went for too much to justify the use I could have had for them.
thank you Massimo, I knew that the problem is with SIR (not IRDA), I didn't knew about those kludges.
What a pity! So at the moment it is easier to print on a Mac from the 41c or 71c than from a more recent calculators...
Anyway, let's hope
I just found the article I was looking for.
From Martin Hepperle; you need a receiver and an Arduino.
Still interested?
(02-14-2018 11:47 AM)Massimo Gnerucci Wrote: [ -> ]I just found the article I was looking for.
From Martin Hepperle; you need a receiver and an Arduino.
Still interested?
Interesting article!
I'll read it in the afternoon.