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Full Version: will this always return the current system decimal separator? (SOLVED)
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I am not aware of a built-in "get the current decimal separator" function and I needed one because I have a program in which the system calls usually deliver "0." but ocassionally return "0".

So, I needed to find out whether to add a "." or a ",".

This seems to work - but could there be a "fix 0" mode which might hide the separator?

 EXPORT DecSepNow()
 //RETURN current system decimal separator
Or is there a better way?
(02-05-2018 08:32 AM)StephenG1CMZ Wrote: [ -> ]This seems to work - but could there be a "fix 0" mode which might hide the separator?

It doesn't work in FIX 0 as in this number format mode STRING(π) returns "3".

Instead, you can use the Home Settings variable HSeparator, this should work whatever the number format:

EXPORT DecSepNow()
//RETURN current system decimal separator
  RETURN IFTE((HSeparator MOD 9)<4,".",",");

Another way of doing it based on your program would be to force the number of digits after the decimal separator:

EXPORT DecSepNow()
//RETURN current system decimal separator
 LOCAL ST,ND:=HDigits;
 HDigits:=1;     //Set number of digits after the decimal separator to 1
 ST:=STRING(π);  //Set ST to "3.1" or "3,1"
 HDigits:=ND;    //Restore number of digits after the decimal separator
 RETURN ST(2,1); //Return second character of ST
Of the two, I much prefer your version reading Hseparator. Thank you.
I try to avoid solutions that change modes and then restore them - unless there is no other way - as there is always the risk that the user will interrupt a program at just the wrong time - and then wonder what has changed the settings.
(02-05-2018 10:35 AM)StephenG1CMZ Wrote: [ -> ]Of the two, I much prefer your version reading Hseparator. Thank you.
I try to avoid solutions that change modes and then restore them - unless there is no other way - as there is always the risk that the user will interrupt a program at just the wrong time - and then wonder what has changed the settings.

Even worse are programs that change modes and don't restore them!
Oh! this is something useful to identify when using EXPR()
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