Huashan Grottos

Maggie standing on chain bridge over the Xin'an River.

The Xin'an River.

The Huashan Grottos are near Tunxi. It isn't known exactly who made them or when. Apparently, they first used to mine rocks, but then someone moved into them. No one knows where the rocks went or why there are no records of these grottos. There were some carvings, stone paintings and doorways in the grottos. I was only able to take a few pictures due to the darkness. The shots that came out are mostly long hand-held exposures where I got lucky and had little blurring.

One of many columns carved out of the solid rock.

Just outside the largest grotto (#35). This grotto is 170 meters deep and has an area of about 12,000 square meters making it the largest grotto in China.

Notice the tool marks.