I tried something else... Message #2 Posted by Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) on 15 Nov 2009, 5:32 a.m., in response to message #1 by Lincoln R.
... and had some good results.
Hi, Lincoln;
because of both the HP38C and the HP34C, I devoted some time trying to maintain Spices the best way possible. I have some solderless and other soldered units, and all of the solderless have bad contact in the LED display from time to time.
I once reasoned about the three following procedures which significantly reduced bad contact behavior in the ICīs. In fact, I never saw 'Pr Error' anymore since then.
- polish the contacts of the flex circuit - I use metal polisher and a cotton swab;
- apply a thin coat of any micro oil over the contacts - I use a very thin coat of WD40 spread with a clean cotton swab; it does not avoid the ICīs terminals to touch the surface of the flex circuit and also protects the remaining surface of the tracks against oxidation (not highly efficient, just a reasonable protection)
- slightly bent the tip of the ICīs terminals; look at the drawing below.
With these three basic procedures you may achieve so many good results youīll probably not need to replace the foam. My four solderless Spices work pretty fine, but sometimes one segment or a whole digit misses. I simply tap it gently in my hand sideways and up/downways and it gets back to normal. The LED display contacts are in the edge and I also slightly bent them, one in the opposed direction of the other (as experts do with saw teeth).
Hope this helps.
Luiz (Brazil)