The Museum of HP Calculators

HP Forum Archive 15

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Help 75C !!!!
Message #1 Posted by gileno on 31 Jan 2006, 1:26 p.m.

I have just become two nice hp 75c and 75d. 1. Does anyone know how to access the built in roms in the 75C (Data communications, text formatter, visicalc). What is the syntax for a catalog on these ports? 2. Does anyone have information on how to become the digital wand to work on the 75D?

Thank you for your reply,

Re: Help 75C !!!!
Message #2 Posted by J-F Garnier on 1 Feb 2006, 7:07 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by gileno

1. Does anyone know how to access the built in roms in the 75C (Data communications, text formatter, visicalc). What is the syntax for a catalog on these ports?

Data communications, text formatter, visicalc ROM are NOT built-in, but are plug-in modules. There is no command to get a catalog of ROMs (built-in or plugged-in): no equivalent of the HP71 CAT :PORT.

2. Does anyone have information on how to become the digital wand to work on the 75D?

AFAIK, the Wand ROM module or the POD extension is needed, even if there is the Wand connector built in the HP-75D, but maybe am I wrong.


Re: Help 75C !!!!
Message #3 Posted by gileno on 1 Feb 2006, 9:41 a.m.,
in response to message #2 by J-F Garnier

CAT :PORT doesn't exist in HP75C :-(

Re: Help 75C !!!!
Message #4 Posted by J-F Garnier on 1 Feb 2006, 3:17 p.m.,
in response to message #3 by gileno

I'm a little bit amazed that you are *never* happy with my answer, each time I try to help you or give information :-((


Re: Help 75C !!!!
Message #5 Posted by gileno on 1 Feb 2006, 5:42 p.m.,
in response to message #4 by J-F Garnier

Thank you for the help. She helped me enough. Thank you very much. :-)

Visicalc on the 75C
Message #6 Posted by Tom Sherman on 1 Feb 2006, 12:20 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by gileno

To access the visicalc program, type vc

To exit the program: shift-attn (as if you were turning the unit off)

For command menu: /

For anything other than historical curiosity, a video interface and monitor would be helpful, as it is pretty hard to follow a spreadsheet with only a one-line display. But it is interesting to see that HP made this spreadsheet program available for the 75C.

Cheers, Tom

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