The Museum of HP Calculators

Skunk for the HP-41C/CV/CX/42

This program created and uploaded by Russ Gilbert.

It is free.

This program is supplied without representation or warranty of any kind. Russ Gilbert and The Museum of HP Calculators therefore assume no responsibility and shall have no liability, consequential or otherwise, of any kind arising from the use of this program material or any part thereof.


Doesn't require CX functions. Requires 77 registers for program, 15 for data (41C with extra memory).

Filename SKNK81.RAW. XEQ 'SKNK'.

The game of Skunk is a two dice game, better known on the HP48 by Doug Cannon. HPGene Wright has a 41 version on his site, it requires the CX functions. I haven't asked Doug if I can use his name, Gene says OK. I am greatful to both.

You roll the dice with the A key (in USER), you stay with the B key. This Skunk has options to start, hit R/S for the default.
1. Target score, default 100. 2. Who is first, default player. 3. Auto Roll (your first roll is automatic.) default Yes. 4. Max die, 7 is the default. You can pick any number for the max die, but 6 to 8 are recommended. You get less 'Skunked' and 'Double' with 7 or 8 than with max die 6. If only one is a '1' then you are 'Skunked' and lose your turn. If two '1's are rolled you get the dreaded 'Double' and your score is set to zero. The winner is the one who gets the highest score over the target score after who goes second. After the game is over, R/S will start over, selecting only max die.

The display is like this:
HP:6,4,10:20 30 The numbers are die 1, die 2, total score this turn:HP total PL total (whose turn score is first).

Documentation Information (CD or source code)
How to get this Program to your Calculator (via HP-IL, disk, wand, and fingers)
Download zip of raw and the text file of the listing. program for disk or PC HP-IL Card download (or V41 emulator), also text listing.

Program Listing

 01 LBL "SKNK"
 02 CLA
 03 "SEED? 0-.99"
 06 STO 00
 07 FIX 00
 08 SF 27
 09 CF 00
 10 CF 02
 11 0
 12 STO 15
 13 ":"
 14 ASTO 11
 15 ","
 16 ASTO 09
 17 " "
 18 ASTO 12
 19 "GOAL? 100"
 20 100
 22 STO 10
 23 1
 24 STO 14
 25 "N"
 26 ASTO Y
 27 "PLYR 1ST? Y"
 28 AON
 29 STOP
 30 AOFF
 31 ASTO X
 32 X=Y?
 33 XEQ 17
 34 "AUTO ROLL? Y"
 35 AON
 36 STOP
 37 AOFF
 38 ASTO X
 39 X=Y?
 40 XEQ 19
 41 LBL 16
 42 CLA
 43 "MAXDIE? 6-8"
 44 7
 46 STO 16
 47 CF 29
 48 0
 49 STO 01
 50 STO 02
 51 STO 03
 52 STO 04
 53 STO 05
 54 RCL 15
 55 1
 56 X=Y?
 57 SF 00
 58 3
 59 STO 13
 60 GTO IND 14
 61 LBL 17
 62 2
 63 STO 14
 64 SF 02
 65 RTN
 66 LBL 19
 67 SF 00
 68 1
 69 STO 15
 70 RTN
 71 LBL 01
 72 2
 73 STO 06
 74 1
 75 STO 07
 76 3
 77 STO 13
 78 FS?C 00
 79 GTO 18
 80 XEQ 09
 81 STO 04
 82 XEQ 09
 83 STO 05
 84 +
 85 ST+ 03
 86 LBL 18
 87 CLA
 88 "PL:"
 89 ARCL 04
 90 ARCL 09
 91 ARCL 05
 92 ARCL 09
 93 ARCL 03
 94 ARCL 11
 95 ARCL 01
 96 ARCL 12
 97 ARCL 02
 99 TONE 07
100 XEQ 08
101 XEQ 07
102 STOP
103 LBL 08
104 RCL 04
105 1
106 X#Y?
107 RTN
108 RCL 05
109 X#Y?
110 RTN
111 TONE 03
112 TONE 01
113 RCL 15
114 1
115 X=Y?
116 SF 00
117 0
118 STO IND 07
119 STO 04
120 STO 05
121 STO 03
122 XEQ 06
123 CLA
124 "** DBL **"
126 GTO IND 06
127 LBL 09
128 RCL 16
129 RCL 00
130 9821
131 *
132 .211327
133 +
134 FRC
135 STO 00
136 *
137 INT
138 1
139 +
140 RTN
141 LBL 07
142 RCL 04
143 1
144 X=Y?
145 XEQ 10
146 RCL 05
147 X=Y?
148 XEQ 10
149 RTN
150 LBL 10
151 CLA
152 "*SKUNKED*"
154 XEQ 06
155 RCL 15
156 1
157 X=Y?
158 SF 00
159 0
160 STO 04
161 STO 05
162 STO 03
163 GTO IND 06
164 LBL 02
165 2
166 STO 07
167 1
168 STO 06
169 XEQ 09
170 STO 04
171 XEQ 09
172 STO 05
173 +
174 ST+ 03
175 CLA
176 "HP:"
177 ARCL 04
178 ARCL 09
179 ARCL 05
180 ARCL 09
181 ARCL 03
182 ARCL 11
183 ARCL 02
184 ARCL 12
185 ARCL 01
187 TONE 03
188 XEQ 08
189 XEQ 07
190 RCL 02
191 RCL 03
192 +
193 STO 08
194 RCL 10
195 X<=Y?
196 GTO 03
197 RCL 01
198 RCL 10
199 X<=Y?
200 GTO 02
201 DSE 13
202 GTO 02
203 LBL 03
204 RCL 03
205 ST+ 02
206 FC? 02
207 XEQ 06
208 RCL 15
209 1
210 X=Y?
211 SF 00
212 0
213 STO 04
214 STO 05
215 STO 03
216 GTO 01
217 LBL 06
218 RCL 01
219 RCL 10
220 X<=Y?
221 GTO 14
222 RCL 02
223 RCL 10
224 X<=Y?
225 GTO 14
226 RTN
227 LBL 14
228 RCL 01
229 RCL 02
230 X=Y?
231 GTO 15
232 X<Y?
233 GTO 05
234 GTO 12
235 LBL 15
236 CLA
237 "*TIE*"
238 ARCL 01
239 ARCL 11
240 ARCL 02
241 BEEP
242 GTO 13
243 LBL 05
244 CLA
245 "PLWIN "
246 ARCL 01
247 ARCL 11
248 ARCL 02
250 TONE 06
251 TONE 05
252 TONE 03
253 TONE 05
254 TONE 04
255 TONE 03
256 TONE 09
257 GTO 13
258 LBL A
259 GTO 01
260 LBL B
261 RCL 03
262 ST+ 01
263 0
264 STO 03
265 STO 08
266 FS? 02
267 XEQ 06
268 GTO 02
269 LBL 12
270 CLA
271 "HPWIN "
272 ARCL 02
273 ARCL 11
274 ARCL 01
276 TONE 06
277 TONE 06
278 TONE 03
279 TONE 06
280 TONE 05
281 TONE 03
282 LBL 13
283 SF 29
285 GTO 16
286 END

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