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Got a Prime for X-mas, now what?
02-19-2014, 08:02 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2014 04:55 PM by Kevin Ouellet.)
Post: #12
RE: Got a Prime for X-mas, now what?
True, but sadly, in North America, even in 2014, many parents are still paranoid about online transactions because they are computer-illiterate and will only shop in physical stores because of that. Even if other people or their kids try to convince them for three hours, the parents will just not listen, because they think that one second after creating a Paypal account or entering their credit card online, their bank account will be emptied and credit card bill reach $8000+ and the day after putting their home address in the shipping form, a pedo will come at their home to molest their kid. It's like how my mom spent almost an hour trying to setup a Nintendo Entertainment System when I was kid and took a decade before being able to program a VCR properly, except that news medias kept talking about the dangers of internet back then, which made them scared of even getting it at home (my mom didn't get me Internet until 2005 because of "safety" reasons and by then I was 18).

In addition to that, there are people who hate having to wait 2-4 weeks for their online orders to be shipped home, so as soon as their school teacher tells them they need a graphing calc they'll go to a physical store to obtain the item immediately. I myself hated to have to wait a month for my HP Prime to arrive home. I also don't like having to pay $35-50 shipping just for a calculator. My HP Prime was $130 on Hpcalc website, but with the shipping fees and taxes I ended up paying close to $200.

-Dream of Omnimaga
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Got a Prime for X-mas, now what? - bobh - 12-25-2013, 04:06 PM
RE: Got a Prime for X-mas, now what? - Kevin Ouellet - 02-19-2014 08:02 AM
RE: Got a Prime for X-mas, now what? - Han - 10-01-2015, 06:22 PM

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