It's quite possible. MicroPython (Prime's version) doesn't have the capitalize() or isnumeric() attributes but these are easily worked around. Here's my attempt:
#PYTHON name
# this function ensures the user can input "atomic number" or "element name" with capital and lower case letters, and
# as many spaces as they wish
def formatInput(textline):
textline = textline.lower().strip()
wordlist = textline.split()
textline = " ".join(wordlist)
return textline
# this function is for determining the noble gas given the atomic number for use in the condensed electron configuration
def nobleGases(valenceE):
if valenceE >= 118: return "[Og]"
if valenceE >= 86: return "[Rn]"
if valenceE >= 54: return "[Xe]"
if valenceE >= 36: return "[Kr]"
if valenceE >= 18: return "[Ar]"
if valenceE >= 10: return "[Ne]"
if valenceE >= 2: return "[He]"
return ""
# this function is for rounding the input down to the lowest noble gas for use in the condensed electron configuration
def atomicRounder(valenceE):
if valenceE >= 118: return 118
if valenceE >= 86: return 86
if valenceE >= 54: return 54
if valenceE >= 36: return 36
if valenceE >= 18: return 18
if valenceE >= 10: return 10
if valenceE >= 2: return 2
# so that charge is defined later on
global charge
# a lot of long lists with each individual electron, element symbol, and name. There should be a way to condense and
# these lists
electronList = ["1s^1", "1s^2", "2s^1", "2s^2", "2p^1", "2p^2", "2p^3", "2p^4", "2p^5", "2p^6", "3s^1", "3s^2",
"3p^1", "3p^2", "3p^3", "3p^4", "3p^5", "3p^6", "4s^1", "4s^2", "3d^1", "3d^2", "3d^3", "3d^4",
"3d^5", "3d^6", "3d^7", "3d^8", "3d^9", "3d^10", "4p^1", "4p^2", "4p^3", "4p^4", "4p^5", "4p^6",
"5s^1", "5s^2", "4d^1", "4d^2", "4d^3", "4d^4", "4d^5", "4d^6", "4d^7", "4d^8", "4d^9", "4d^10",
"5p^1", "5p^2", "5p^3", "5p^4", "5p^5", "5p^6", "6s^1", "6s^2", "4f^1", "4f^2", "4f^3", "4f^4",
"4f^5", "4f^6", "4f^7", "4f^8", "4f^9", "4f^10", "4f^11", "4f^12", "4f^13", "4f^14", "5d^1", "5d^2",
"5d^3", "5d^4", "5d^5", "5d^6","5d^7", "5d^8", "5d^9", "5d^10", "6p^1", "6p^2", "6p^3", "6p^4", "6p^5",
"6p^6", "7s^1", "7s^2","5f^1", "5f^2", "5f^3", "5f^4", "5f^5", "5f^6", "5f^7", "5f^8", "5f^9", "5f^10",
"5f^11", "5f^12", "5f^13", "5f^14", "6d^1", "6d^2", "6d^3", "6d^4", "6d^5", "6d^6", "6d^7", "6d^8",
"6d^9", "6d^10", "7p^1", "7p^2", "7p^3", "7p^4", "7p^5","7p^6"]
elementsAb = ["H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K",
"Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb",
"Sr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs",
"Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf",
"Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th",
"Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs",
"Mt", "Ds", "Rg", "Cn", "Nh", "Fl", "Mc", "Lv", "Ts", "Og"]
elementsFull = ["Hydrogen", "Helium", "Lithium", "Beryllium", "Boron", "Carbon", "Nitrogen", "Oxygen", "Fluorine", "Neon",
"Sodium", "Magnesium", "Aluminium", "Silicon", "Phosphorous", "Sulfur", "Chloride", "Argon", "Potassium",
"Calcium", "Scandium", "Titanium", "Vanadium", "Chromium", "Manganese", "Iron", "Cobalt", "Nickle",
"Copper", "Zinc", "Gallium", "Germanium", "Arsenic", "Selenium", "Bromine", "Krypton", "Rubidium", "Strontium",
"Yttrium", "Zirconium", "Niobium", "Molybdenum", "Technetium", "Ruthenium", "Rhodium", "Palladium", "Silver",
"Cadmium", "Indium", "Tin", "Antimony", "Tellurium", "Iodine", "Xenon", "Cesium", "Barium", "Lanthanum",
"Cerium", "Praseodymium", "Neodymium", "Promethium", "Samarium", "Europium", "Gadolinium", "Terbium",
"Dysprosium", "Holmium", "Erbium", "Thulium", "Ytterbium", "Lutetium", "Hafnium", "Tantalum", "Tungsten",
"Rhenium", "Osmium", "Iridium", "Platinum", "Gold", "Mercury", "Thallium", "Lead", "Bismuth", "Polonium",
"Astatine", "Radon", "Francium", "Radium", "Actinium", "Thorium", "Protactinium", "Uranium", "Neptunium",
"Plutonium", "Americium", "Curium", "Berkelium", "Californium", "Einsteinium", "Fermium", "Mendelevium",
"Nobelium", "Lawrencium", "Rutherfordium", "Dubnium", "Seaborgium", "Bohrium", "Hassium", "Meitnerium"]
# defines the atomic number before starting the main function. looping boolean to ensure that while loops loop
atomicNumber = 0
looping = True
# commented out attempts at a dictionary
# elementsDict = [("H", "Hydrogen"),("He", "Helium"), ("Li","Lithium"), ("Be", "Beryllium"), ("B", "Boron"), ("C", "Carbon"),
# ("N", "Nitrogen"), ("O", "Oxygen"), ("F", "Fluorine"), ("Ne", "Neon"), ("Na", "Sodium"), ("Mg", "Magnesium"),
# ("Al", "Aluminium"), ("Si", "Silicon"), ("P", "Phosphorous"), ("S", "Sulfur"), ("Cl", "Chloride"), ("Ar", "Argon")]
# actual main body of the code computes the atomic number given the atomic number or element name. this atomic number is
# then used to index the electronList, and the list is printed from 0 to the calculated atomic number. This in short provides
# the electron configuration
while looping:
choice = formatInput(input("Welcome to the Electron Configuration Calculator!\nAre you entering the atomic number or element name?: "))
if choice == "atomic number":
atomicNumber = int(input("Please input the atomic number of your element: "))
# validates that the input is a positive integer value
while not atomicNumber > 0:
atomicNumber = int(input("Invalid input. Please enter a positive integer value: "))
elif choice == "element name":
elementName = input("Please input the name of your element (abbreviated or full): ")
elementName = elementName[0].upper() + elementName[1:]
# validates the input is a valid element name
while elementName not in elementsAb and elementName not in elementsFull:
elementName = input("Element name not recognized. Please try again.")
elementName = elementName[0].upper() + elementName[1:]
# checks that elementName is in the lists of elementsAb or elementsFull. If it is, then the index of the element in that list
# is used as the atomicNumber
atomicNumber = elementsAb.index(elementName)
except ValueError:
atomicNumber = elementsFull.index(elementName)
# you must add 1 to the atomic number as the index starts at 0, but the atomic number starts at 1
atomicNumber = atomicNumber + 1
input("Invalid input. Please type ""atomic number"" or ""element name"". Press any button to continue")
# asks for the charge. currently only works for p and s block elements.
while looping:
charge = input("Now that you have entered your element, please enter its change. (use + or -, or enter 0 if it has no charge): ")
if not charge.lstrip("+-"):
charge = input("You have entered an invalid charge. Please input a valid charge: ")
charge = int(charge)
#if not 20 < atomicNumber <= 30 or 38 < atomicNumber < 48 or 88 < atomicNumber < 98:
#if charge > 0:
# if 20 < atomicNumber <= 30:
# for i in range(2):
# n = 20
# electronList.pop(n)
# n -= 1
# if n == 18: break
atomicNumber = atomicNumber - charge
# prints the name of the element you have calculated, its electron configuration, and the condensed electron configuration
print("The name of your element is:", elementsFull[atomicNumber + charge - 1])
print("Your full electron configuration is: \n" + ' '.join(map(str, electronList[0:atomicNumber])))
print(("Your condensed electron configuration is: \n" + nobleGases(len(electronList[0:atomicNumber])) + " " +
' '.join(map(str, electronList[atomicRounder(atomicNumber):atomicNumber]))).strip())
EXPORT ElectronConf()