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Uses for MBM2764-30 EPROMS? - Printable Version

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Uses for MBM2764-30 EPROMS? - JoeG - 01-12-2024 07:46 PM

I have 5 Fujitsu MBM2764-30 EPROMs in my parts stock. I've learned that I can not use these for Commodore computer EPROM projects (I use the M27C64 instead).

I currently have a collection of vintage personal computers including Commodore (Plus4, C16, C64, VIC 20, C128, floppy disk drives, and PET), Apple (IIe, IIc, floppy drives, and two softcards - Microsoft and a clone), TI99/4A, Timex Sinclair 1000's, and a TRS-80 PC-2.

Given the aforementioned collection of computer hardware, is there any potential use for the MBM2764-30 EPROMs in any piece of the collection? How about any Windows PC's? I tried using Google to find an application for the MBM2764-30 EPROMs, but came up with nothing.

I'm wondering if older full size video arcade games use these? If so, I have a friend that operates a local video arcade that I can donate them to for his needs.

Thank you!
