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11 HP-48 blank overlays looking for 11 good homes (3 left) - Printable Version

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11 HP-48 blank overlays looking for 11 good homes (3 left) - Joe Horn - 07-06-2014 05:10 AM

Eleven blank HP-48 standard plastic overlays are looking for good homes. Totally free ($0 postage), but only one per customer. I have the following types available:

[Image: 48overlays.jpg]

Two (2) Transparent overlays with the right-side tabs removed*. Both are still available.
Four (4) Transparent overlays with all six tabs intact. 0 left.

One (1) Opaque overlay with the right-side tabs removed. 0 left.
Four (4) Opaque overlays with all six tabs intact. 1 left.

*One of these is also missing the middle left-side tab.

None are brand-new, but all are in very good condition. Overlays with the right tabs removed are perfect for desk use and normal handheld use, due to easy placement and removal; they are not good for field use (e.g. surveyors).

How This Works:
(0) First come, first served.
(1) Send me a PM with your full name and shipping address. Only PM's will be considered as requests.
(2) In your PM, specify which ONE of the above overlays you want (first choice).
(3) Also specify a second choice in case you're too late for your first choice.
(4) Double check that steps 1-3 were followed exactly as stated, ELSE GOTO 1.
(5) You agree that I will edit your forum name into this posting so that others can see which overlays are already gone and to whom.

Edit: Properly filled PM's received so far:

1. Didier Lachieze (transparent, 6 tabs) -- mailed Monday, 7 July.
2. walter b (opaque, 6 tabs) -- mailed Monday, 7 July.
3. Brad Barton (opaque, 3 tabs) -- mailed Monday, 7 July.
4. Geir Isene (opaque, 6 tabs) -- mailed Monday, 7 July.
5. Siegfried (transparent, 6 tabs) -- mailed Monday, 7 July.
6. Michael Lopez (transparent, 6 tabs) -- mailed Wednesday, 9 July.
7. Gerson W. Barbosa (transparent, 6 tabs) -- mailed Wednesday, 9 July.
8. Francois Lanciault (opaque, 6 tabs) -- mailed Friday, 11 July.