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It's astounding which solutions become possible with the HP Desktop software Version 1.02.

The core of a solution to create a paper trail of results of solver equations - and further iterations in conjunction with Ubuntu 14.04 - is the (clever) combination of readily available commands to read an process the 'tcalc_xxx.prt' files created by consecutive ALT-->FILE->PRINT->DATA:

        diff --suppress-common-lines -w -b -y -W 200 $CAPTURE/tcalc_"$i".prt $CAPTURE/tcalc_"$j".prt | cut -b110-146 | sed 's/^ *//g' | awk '{printf ("%s\n", $0) }'| awk 'BEGIN{FS="=";}
        {printf("%s = %16s\n",$1, $2)}

Which produces the sample output:

Die nachfolgenden Iterationen dokumentieren alle Eingaben und Änderungen,
die das jeweilige Ergebnis beeinflussen. Unveränderte Werte sind den 
vorhergehenden Iterationen zu entnehmen.

Anfängliche Berechnung

#YRS  =            20.00
NOM%  =             6.00
PV    =       -10 000.00
PMT   =          -100.00
FV    =        77 648.70
#P    =            12.00
#C    =             1.00

Iteration 1 - Angezeigt werden nur geänderte Werte!

FV    =        77 427.99
T     =            30.00

Iteration 2 - Angezeigt werden nur geänderte Werte!

PMT   =          -300.00
FV    =        77 207.28
T     =            90.00
#P    =             4.00

The final output sample is in German (I've added a dictionary and a translation step), but I think you'll get the picture.

Best regards

My environment is - "from in to out":

- HP 200LX Connectivity Pack 1.02 - Last release!
- http://www.msu.edu/~yootaewo/_db/20150125_32bit.7z (DosBOX w/Print!)
- Ubuntu 14.04.5 32-bit

Best regards
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