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Full Version: Massaging output of 50g's FACTORS command
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For a value or expression, FACTORS returns a list of prime factors and their multiplicities: 1944 FACTORS returns {3 5. 2 3.}, for example.

How can I split that list into two, one {3 2} a list of the prime factors and the other {5. 3.} a list of their respective multiplicities? Some little RPL program will presumably do it.

This should be a few seconds' worth of fun for someone!
Hi Peter, you can do for example :
Hi Gilles,

Thanks for that nice program. Is the leading "1." the type against which each member of the list is compared?

Hi, another way is to duplicate the list element by element into two distinct lists.
To separate factors from exponents, the process alternates the positions of the two lists during construction.
« { } DUP ROT 1      // Initiate exponent and factor lists and GETI sequence
     GETI            // Get i-th element
     5 ROLL +        // Roll down the exponent or the factors list & add the i-th ele.
     ROT ROT         // Roll back completed list in the "wrong" place (to alternate)
  UNTIL DUP 1 SAME   // loop until the entire inital list 

The factors lsit { 3 5. 2 3.} will result in { 2 3 } and { 3. 5.} lists.
The list { y 5 p 1 p 0 a 2 H } will be split into the two lists 1:{ H a p p y } and 2:{ 2 0 15 }.
This last example is of course a season best greetings pretext.

So { y 5 p 1 p 0 a 2 H } SPLIT to everybody here !!
Hello C.Ret,

That's also nice. I had thought vaguely about GET, but not about GETI.

(01-03-2015 05:27 PM)Peter Murphy Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Gilles,

Thanks for that nice program. Is the leading "1." the type against which each member of the list is compared?


The leading "1." is the number of arguments taken from the list for the DOSUBS command. That means that the sequence « DUP TYPE NOT {DROP} IFT » DOSUBS takes elements in the list one by one and returns a list

with your example : { 3 5. 2 3.}

3 DUP TYPE NOT {DROP} IFT is executed, returns nothing (3 is TYPE 28.)
5. DUP TYPE NOT {DROP} IFT is executed, returns (5. is TYPE 0).
2 DUP TYPE NOT {DROP} IFT is executed, returns nothing
3. DUP TYPE NOT {DROP} IFT is executed, returns 3.

So DOSUBS -> returns { 5. 3. )

For example
{ "a" "b" "c" "d" } 3. « + + » DOSUBS will return { "abc" "bcd"}
that means :take the arguments from the list 3 by 3 and concatenate {"a "b" "c" + +, "b" "c" "d" + +}

Thanks for your kindly and detailed help. This Forum is an excellent place.

I wondered if it was possible to split a list with only one DOSUBS and found this way :

1. « NSUB 1. == {{}{} ROT} IFT + SWAP » DOSUBS

{"a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" }
{ { "b" "d" "f" "h" } { "a" "c" "e" "g" } }

And to get the result in right order both with odd or even number of elements in the list


1. « NSUB 1. == {{}{} ROT} IFT + SWAP
The code below basically changes the list into an array, then converts to a list of row vectors that are reverse-sorted, and then converted back to a matrix. Finally a transpose gets the desired form.
  OBJ→ 2. / { 2. } + →ARRY 
  →ROW →LIST REVLIST OBJ→ ROW→  @ delete this line of code if no sorting needed
  AXL SWAP AXL SWAP             @ delete this line of code if you do not have a preference for lists
As we're talking about the HP 49G it's easy to write a programme that doesn't first make a list of factors & powers & then has to seperate them.


Oh for such flexibility on other platforms!
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