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General Software Library


  1. (33s) Ulam Spiral (0 Replies)
  2. (49G) OEIS A2516: EARLIEST SEQUENCE WITH A(A(N)) = 2N (0 Replies)
  3. (11c) Slot machine (0 Replies)
  4. (49g 50g) Logic Operations for Large Integers (0 Replies)
  5. (33s) OEIS A4444: Nimsum N+3 (1 Reply)
  6. (33s) OEIS A7612: A(N-1)+Digital Root of A(N-1) (2 Replies)
  7. (33s) OEIS A10888: Decimal Digits of (13,717,421/111,111,111) (0 Replies)
  8. (33s) OEIS A7953: Sum of Digits of N (0 Replies)
  9. (33s) OEIS A56525: Odd Digitted Palindromes in Natural Order (0 Replies)
  10. (45) Air Navigation with a Pocket Electronic Calculator (3 Replies)
  11. (33s) OEIS A3602: Kimberling's Paraphrases, a Very Fractal Sequence (0 Replies)
  12. (33s) OEIS A68637: Maximum of Input & Reversal (4 Replies)
  13. (12C) Calculate the Amount of Sales Tax (1 Reply)
  14. (12C) Bhaskara's Sine and Cosine Approximations (3 Replies)
  15. (33s): OEIS A262389: Integers with Last Digit Composite (Didier's Formula) (0 Replies)
  16. (33s): OEIS A1614, Connell sequence, & A122793, A171152, A118011 (1 Reply)
  17. (33s): OEIS A8905 & A34886: 1st Digit of N! & Number of Digits in N! (1 Reply)
  18. (33s): OEIS A8904: Last Non-zero Digit of N! (0 Replies)
  19. (25) 55 Applications Programs for Teenix MultiCalculator Emulator and Hardware (6 Replies)
  20. (42S) Hill's Encryption System (3 Replies)
  21. (15C)(DM15) - Convert Number from one Base to Another (1 Reply)
  22. (35S) Determinant of a 3x3 matrix (plus cross product): the shortest way. (3 Replies)
  23. (42) Feet inches fractions (1 Reply)
  24. (15C) Halley's Method (7 Replies)
  25. (27S,17B,..) FACTOR revisited (0 Replies)
  26. (35S ALG) Ruffini Polynomial Division (16 Replies)
  27. (20S) N-queens (4 Replies)
  28. (49g 50g) Number of Trailing Zeros in N! (5 Replies)
  29. (33S) Legendre Polynomials (8 Replies)
  30. (33S) Atmospheric Parameters (0 Replies)
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