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Program listers for HP-12C, 15C, 16C

Posted by Peter Heberer on 24 Feb 2003, 9:46 a.m.


I'd like to contribute a little helper application - a program lister for the model 12C, 15C and 16C.

I made it as Excel workbooks (one for each model).
The formatting might not be the best, and maybe there's still some errors in the recognized keys - if you should find errors, let me know.

Here's where you get them:
HP-12C program lister (Excel workbook)
HP-15C program lister (Excel workbook)
HP-16C program lister (Excel workbook)

Here's how to use them:

Each Excel workbook consists of three sheets:
- Program: To enter your code and print it later
- Trans: code translation table (described later)
- Help: a short help text on how to use

Set your calculator to program mode (P/R) and position to the first line of your program.

Open the "Program" worksheet.

If you can't see columns B-E, click the "toggle B-E" button in column A4. The purpose is to hide some rows for later printing.

Now type in the up to three key codes listed into columns B,C,D of the "Program" worksheet.
If you type in a code combination that is not known
(either a typo, or I forgot to add it to the translation table),
you'll get a "#NV" display.
In that case, check the codes you entered, and if your absolutely
sure it's NOT a typo, contact me to fix the bug.

The formatting of those columns should be explicitly "TEXT".
To be sure the lookup really works, it help to key in the codes
with an introducing apostroph ('), which makes Excel recognize
it as TEXT, not numbers.

In column E (kLookup), the lookup code used by the sheet is
listed. This is mainly for testing purpose, it's not really

In column F (ListKey), the keys should be listed as the
calculator lists it in programming mode.

In column G (Mnemo), a representation of the key/function
is shown.

In column H (Lbl), in case of a LBL statement, the statement
will be repeated in a light green background color.
This makes it easier to locate a certain label in the listing.
** ( The HP-12C doesn't have labels, so this is missing in
the 12C lister. )

In column I (GSB), in case of a GSB statement, a "<->" symbol
will be shown in a light yellow background color.
This makes it easier to locate subroutine calls in the listing.
** ( The HP-12C doesn't have GSB's, so this is missing in
the 12C lister. )

In column J (GTO), in case of a GTO statement, a "-->" symbol
will be shown in a light orange background color.
This makes it easier to locate program branches in the listing.
** ( column H in the 12C lister. )

In column K (comments), enter your specific comments.
** ( column I in the 12C lister. )

To print, click on the "toggle B-E" button on top of the page.
This hides or unhides the columns B to E.
With those columns hidden, use the print preview function
of Excel and see if the border/page settings need adjustment.

Some remarks:

The HP-12C has only 99 program steps. When the program memory is
cleared, all instructions are set to the command "goto line 00".
This behaviour is NOT copied by the lister worksheet.

I couldn't find a symbol for the statistical SUM sign, so I used
the letter "Z" as a printable representation.

I provided a sample program in the HP-15C lister.
It calculates the biorhythm values (physical, emotional,
intellectual) for a given birthday and a "forecast" month + year.

For each day of the month (all months have 31 days ;-)
it displays those three values which can vary from -0.99 to +0.99.
No support for that software, and no guarantee ;-)

OK, these instructions are already lengthy enough. I'll answer
further questions as they show up.
Let me know it you should find that thingy useful.

Oh - the basic trick:

The entered key codes are first "normalized", then compared to
the values in the table on sheet "Trans". The printable
representation is then displayed beside the entered key code(s).


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