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The Prime Factors Kata
Message #1 Posted by Thomas Klemm on 23 June 2011, 3:52 a.m.

The model of computation of Java bytecode is that of a stack-oriented programming language.

Let's see how we can use that with the following Java program for the Prime Factors problem:

package primeFactors;

import java.util.*;

public class PrimeFactors { public static List<Integer> generate(int n) { List<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<Integer>();

for (int candidate = 2; n > 1; candidate++) for (; n%candidate == 0; n/=candidate) primes.add(candidate);

return primes; } }

I used the Java compiler to create a class file and javap to disassemble the code:

javap -c PrimeFactors

That's the result:

Compiled from ""
public class primeFactors.PrimeFactors extends java.lang.Object{
public primeFactors.PrimeFactors();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   return

public static java.util.List generate(int); Code: 0: new #2; //class java/util/ArrayList 3: dup 4: invokespecial #3; //Method java/util/ArrayList."<init>":()V 7: astore_1 8: iconst_2 9: istore_2 10: iload_0 11: iconst_1 12: if_icmple 45 15: iload_0 16: iload_2 17: irem 18: ifne 39 21: aload_1 22: iload_2 23: invokestatic #4; //Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer; 26: invokeinterface #5, 2; //InterfaceMethod java/util/List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z 31: pop 32: iload_0 33: iload_2 34: idiv 35: istore_0 36: goto 15 39: iinc 2, 1 42: goto 10 45: aload_1 46: areturn


Now it's straightforward to translate that to RPN:

STO 00              ; int n
2                   ; 8:   iconst_2
STO 02              ; 9:   istore_2
LBL 10              
RCL 00              ; 10:  iload_0
1                   ; 11:  iconst_1
X>=Y?               ; 12:  if_icmple   45
GTO 45              
LBL 15              
RCL 00              ; 15:  iload_0
RCL 02              ; 16:  iload_2
MOD                 ; 17:  irem
X#0?                ; 18:  ifne    39
GTO 39              
VIEW 02             ; 22:  iload_2
RCL 00              ; 32:  iload_0
RCL 02              ; 33:  iload_2
/                   ; 34:  idiv
STO 00              ; 35:  istore_0
GTO 15              ; 36:  goto    15
LBL 39              
STO+ 02             ; 39:  iinc    2, 1
GTO 10              ; 42:  goto    10
LBL 45              
RTN                 ; 46:  areturn

We can't return a list and so I decided to just view the factors.


Re: The Prime Factors Kata
Message #2 Posted by Eddie W. Shore on 26 June 2011, 11:30 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by Thomas Klemm

Really cool. When I was checking out the link I thought you managed to work a prime factors program in PowerPoint. LOL

Re: The Prime Factors Kata
Message #3 Posted by Thomas Klemm on 27 June 2011, 3:32 p.m.,
in response to message #2 by Eddie W. Shore

When you run the disassembly through this script a lot of the translation is done:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

while (<>) {

printf "%-22s; $_%s",

/[adfil]?return/ ? 'RTN' : /dup/ ? 'ENTER' : /swap/ ? 'X<>Y' : /[dfil]const_(\d)/ ? $1 : /iconst_m1/ ? -1 : /[dfil]load_(\d)/ ? "RCL 0$1" : /[dfil]load\s+(\d+)/ ? sprintf("RCL %02d", $1) : /[dfil]store_(\d)/ ? "STO 0$1" : /[dfil]store\s+(\d+)/ ? sprintf("STO %02d", $1) : /goto\s+(\d+)/ ? sprintf("GTO %02d", $1) : /iinc\s+(\d+),\s+(\d+)/ ? ($2, sprintf "STO+ %02d\n", $1) : /[dfil]add/ ? '+' : /[dfil]sub/ ? '-' : /[dfil]mul/ ? '*' : /[dfil]div/ ? '/' : /[dfil]rem/ ? 'MOD' : /ifeq\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X=0?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /ifne\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X#0?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /iflt\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X<0?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /ifge\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X>=0?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /ifgt\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X>0?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /ifle\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X<=0?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /if_icmpeq\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X=Y?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /if_icmpne\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X#Y?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /if_icmplt\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X>Y?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /if_icmpge\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X<=Y?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /if_icmpgt\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X<Y?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : /if_icmple\s+(\d+)/ ? ('X>=Y?', sprintf "GTO %02d\n", $1) : '', ''


Labels are missing though. That's the output of the previous example:

                      ; Compiled from ""
                      ; public class primeFactors.PrimeFactors extends java.lang.Object{
                      ; public primeFactors.PrimeFactors();
                      ;   Code:
                      ;    0:   aload_0
                      ;    1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
RTN                   ;    4:   return
                      ; public static java.util.List generate(int);
                      ;   Code:
                      ;    0:   new     #2; //class java/util/ArrayList
ENTER                 ;    3:   dup
                      ;    4:   invokespecial   #3; //Method java/util/ArrayList."<init>":()V
                      ;    7:   astore_1
2                     ;    8:   iconst_2
STO 02                ;    9:   istore_2
RCL 00                ;    10:  iload_0
1                     ;    11:  iconst_1
X>=Y?                 ;    12:  if_icmple       45
GTO 45
RCL 00                ;    15:  iload_0
RCL 02                ;    16:  iload_2
MOD                   ;    17:  irem
X#0?                  ;    18:  ifne    39
GTO 39
                      ;    21:  aload_1
RCL 02                ;    22:  iload_2
                      ;    23:  invokestatic    #4; //Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
                      ;    26:  invokeinterface #5,  2; //InterfaceMethod java/util/List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
                      ;    31:  pop
RCL 00                ;    32:  iload_0
RCL 02                ;    33:  iload_2
/                     ;    34:  idiv
STO 00                ;    35:  istore_0
GTO 15                ;    36:  goto    15
1                     ;    39:  iinc    2, 1
STO+ 02
GTO 10                ;    42:  goto    10
                      ;    45:  aload_1
RTN                   ;    46:  areturn
                      ; }

Far from perfect but maybe a good starting point.

Kind regards

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