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MCODE - Prime Twin Finder - RFF (Request For Feedback)
Message #1 Posted by PeterP on 20 July 2008, 1:19 p.m.


As is customary for me when trying to learn a new language, I try writing a prime-finder, prime-twin finder and testing goldbach's conjecture. We already have a very good prime-finder in MCODE (see SANDBOX or the original article from Jason DeLooze in PPCJ V11 N7 p30) so I decided to build a Prime-Twin finder as my second program in MCODE (the first one was the MCODE instruction timer see the discussion here a few weeks back)

It would be great to get some feedback and suggestions from the MCODE guru's around on how to improve the routine below as well as pointing out errors and mistakes I am sure I have made plenty off.

The listing can be copied into a .src file and can be directly assembled with a41, linked with l41 (just need a simple .lnk file which tells is where to link it to, I used page B) and then used with m41. This SDK41 from Warren is truly amazing!

Purpose: Find the next prime twin numbers (p,p+2) greater than X.
Input: Starting number for the search in X
Output: p+2 in X, X in L, rest undisturbed. This allows for quick consecutive searches
Range: 1-1e10. 
(well, actually the largest legal prime twin is 9,999,999,701 / 703 but following a note with regards to the cold start constant in the VASM from HPs programmer 'for now I leave well enough alone') I have not amended the range testing routine. It was however quite fun to use the program to find that number as I did not find a web-page which has such large primes. Using Warren's simulator PTWIN finds those high prime-twins within a couple of minutes actually...)

Purpose: Find the smallest prime factor of the number in X. PTWIN uses FFACT to test for prime-number.
Input: Number in X, 1<=X<1e10
Output: Stack copied (Z->T,Y->Z,X->Y, X-L), X has smallest prime factor.

One question for example is with regards to using a main-frame entry-point for copying the stack upwards. It would seem that such a entry-point must exist but I did not find a reference in either Ken's book nor the HEPAX manual.

Any and all comments would be much appreciated.



* Assembled by A41
* Sun Jul 20 13:20:54 2008
;***************** Start of PPPRIM rom ****************
				.EQU	[PCTOC]	00D7
;*  FAT for PPPRIM ROM          *
 0000 001			XROM	1	;XROM number
 0001 003			FCNS	3	;Header + 1 function
 0002 000088			DEFR4K	[Header] 0088	;first executable of header
 0004 00008E			DEFR4K	[FFACT] 008E
 0006 001028			DEFR4K	[PTWIN] 0128
 0008 000			NOP		;FAT termination
 0009 000			NOP		;FAT termination
				.FILLTO	0081
;******** Start of Code ************
;**** Header
*0082 08D			#08D		; "M"
*0083 009			#009		; "I"
*0084 012			#012		; "R"
*0085 010			#010		; "P"
*0086 010			#010		; "P"
*0087 010			#010		; "P"
 0088 3E0	[Header]	RTN
;FFACT is the PRIM function adapted for PTWIN. 
;Gives First Factor which is the number itself if prime 
;     [FFACT] entry point does full check of range, div by 2 etc - Flag 5 is set!
;     [PPRIM] entry point for PTWIN does no check of range and no div by 2
*0089 094			#094		; "T"
*008A 003			#003		; "C"
*008B 001			#001		; "A"
*008C 006			#006		; "F"
*008D 006			#006		; "F"
 008E 078	[FFACT]		READ	1(z)
 008F 028			WRIT	0(T)
 0090 0B8			READ	2(y)
 0091 068			WRIT	1(z)
 0092 0F8			READ	3(x)
 0093 0A8			WRIT	2(y)
 0094 128			WRIT	4(L)
;---------------------- Make sure starting point is less than 1e10
 0095 2A0			SETDEC
 0096 2FE			?C#0	MS
 0097 033			JNC	+6 009D
 0098 23E			C=C+1	MS
 0099 389052	(adatp)		?NCGO	[ERRAD] 14E2
 009B 0B50A2	(derrp)		?NCGO	[ERRDE] 282D
 009D 2EE			?C#0	ALL
 009E 3EB			JNC	(derrp) -3 009B
 009F 2F6			?C#0	XS
 00A0 3DF			JC	(derrp) -5 009B
 00A1 31C	(cklpp)		R=	1
 00A2 2E2			?C#0	@R
 00A3 3C7			JC	(derrp) -8 009B
 00A4 10E			A=C	ALL
 00A5 3EE	(shflpp)	LSHFA	ALL
 00A6 386			RSHFA	S&X
 00A7 35A			?A#0	M
 00A8 023			JNC	[Chk1] +4 00AC
 00A9 1A6			A=A-1	S&X
 00AA 3BF			JC	(cklpp) -9 00A1
 00AB 3D3			JNC	(shflpp) -6 00A5
;---------------------- Check if it is 1
 00AC 0F8	[Chk1]		READ	3(x)
 00AD 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 00AE 04E			C=0	ALL
 00AF 35C			R=	12
 00B0 050			LD@R	1
 00B1 36E			?A#C	ALL
 00B2 07B			JNC	[ExitP] +15 00C1
;---------------------- Check division by 2
 00B3 0BA	[Chk2]		A<>C	M	;A has number, now C has Mant, and A Exp
 00B4 2FC	(shlp2)		RCR	13	;de facto a LSHF C
 00B5 1A6			A=A-1	S&X
 00B6 3F3			JNC	(shlp2) -2 00B4
 00B7 2FC			RCR	13	;first digit was moved to R=13 and now to C[0]
 00B8 3D8			C<>ST		;move it into ST
 00B9 04E			C=0	ALL	;Set up correct exit if divisible by 2
 00BA 35C			R=	12	;by storing 2 in B
 00BB 090			LD@R	2
 00BC 0EE			B<>C	ALL
 00BD 088			SETF	5	;Force setting of flag 5  - we are in Prime only mode
 00BE 38C			?FSET	0	;if the first flag not set, we have even number
 00BF 02B			JNC	[ExitNP] +5 00C4
 00C0 053			JNC	[PPRIM] +10 00CA	;with Flag 5 set
;---------------------------------------- Exit Functions
 00C1 04E	[ExitP]		C=0	ALL	;we have a prime; C=0
 00C2 260			SETHEX		;to save jump distance in PTWIN loop
 00C3 3E0			RTN
 00C4 0EE	[ExitNP]	C<>B	ALL	;we don't have a prime. C has the first divisor from B
 00C5 260			SETHEX		;to save jump distance in PTWIN loop
 00C6 08C			?FSET	5	;are we in prime only mode?
 00C7 3A0			?NCRTN		;no, just return
 00C8 0E8			WRIT	3(x)	;yes, write it into X reg and then return
 00C9 3E0			RTN
;---------------------- Start of PRIME test for PTWIN
 00CA 0F8	[PPRIM]		READ	3(X)
 00CB 2A0			SETDEC
 00CC 2F9060	[SQREP]		?NCXQ	[SQR10] 18BE	;get SQR(x)
 00CE 03C			RCR	3	;move S&X into front
 00CF 070			N=C		;save SQR in N
 00D0 1A0			A=B=C=0
 00D1 25C			R=	9	;Load Divisor Pattern
 00D2 190			LD@R	6
 00D3 090			LD@R	2
 00D4 190			LD@R	6
 00D5 110			LD@R	4
 00D6 090			LD@R	2
 00D7 110			LD@R	4
 00D8 090			LD@R	2
 00D9 110			LD@R	4
 00DA 090			LD@R	2
 00DB 090			LD@R	2
 00DC 33C			RCR	1
 00DD 158			M=C		;Store into N
 00DE 0F8			READ	3(x)
 00DF 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;Store X in A
 00E0 35C			R=	12
 00E1 0D0			LD@R	3
 00E2 0EE			C<>B	ALL	;Store 3 (first divisor) in B
 00E3 35C			R=	12
 00E4 04E	[ploop]		C=0	ALL
 00E5 186			A=A-B	S&X	;move S&X into C to keep track of
 00E6 0E6			C<>B	S&X
 00E7 1BC			RCR	11
 00E8 0A6			A<>C	S&X
 00E9 18E	(sub)		A=A-B	ALL	;subtract divisor in B repeatedly
 00EA 3FB			JNC	(sub) -1 00E9
 00EB 12E			A=A+B	ALL	;deal with underflow
 00ED 266			C=C-1	S&X
 00EE 3DB			JNC	(sub) -5 00E9	;rinse and repeat
 00EF 03C			RCR	3
 00F0 0E6			C<>B	S&X
 00F1 34E			?A#0	ALL	;if A=0 then it is not prime
 00F2 293			JNC	[ExitNP] -46 00C4
 00F3 198			C=M		;otherwise, get pattern from M for next divisor
 00F4 33C			RCR	1
 00F5 2E2			?C#0	@R	;if 0, wrap around
 00F6 017			JC	(bis0) +2 00F8
 00F7 17C			RCR	6	;wraparound
 00F8 00E	(bis0)		A=0	ALL
 00F9 102			A=C	@R	;get next number to calc next divisor
 00FA 12E			A=A+B	ALL	;calc next divisor
 00FB 35E			?A#0	MS	;overflow?
 00FC 033			JNC	(noovfl) +6 0102
 00FD 3E6			LSHFA	S&X	;deal with overflow
 00FF 166			A=A+1	S&X
 0100 3D4			R=R-1
 0101 33C			RCR	1
 0102 158	(noovfl)	M=C
 0103 08E			B=A	ALL	;move new divisor into B
 0104 0B0			C=N		;now get SQR
 0105 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0106 03C			RCR	3
 0107 30E			?A<C	ALL	;see if we are still <SQR
 0108 027			JC	[ExitP2] +4 010C	;no, we have a Prime
 0109 0F8			READ	3(X)	;otherwise, rinse and repeat
 010A 10E			A=C	ALL
 010B 2CB			JNC	[ploop] -39 00E4
;---------------------------------------- Exit Function again as other one is too far away
 010C 04E	[ExitP2]	C=0	ALL	;we have a prime; C=0
 010D 260			SETHEX		;to save jump distance in main loop..
 010E 3E0			RTN
;============== The End ========================================================================
 010F 000			NOP
 0110 000			NOP
 0111 000			NOP
 0112 000			NOP
 0113 000			NOP
 0114 000			NOP
 0115 000			NOP
 0116 000			NOP
 0117 000			NOP
 0118 000			NOP
 0119 000			NOP
 011A 000			NOP
 011B 000			NOP
 011C 000			NOP
 011D 000			NOP
 011E 000			NOP
 011F 000			NOP
 0120 000			NOP
 0121 000			NOP
 0122 000			NOP
;Prime Twin Function
;Given a startung number nr>=10 and n<1e10 it gives the next prime-twins (p,p+2)
;the function places p+2 in x so that it can be rerun immediately for the next pai
;the largest ptwin that it can calculate is (9,999,999,701,9,999,999,703)
;so to be perfect the test for the starting point should be adjusted accordingly...
;starting numbers <10 all give (11,13) as the first pair
*0123 08E			#08E		; "N"
*0124 009			#009		; "I"
*0125 017			#017		; "W"
*0126 014			#014		; "T"
*0127 010			#010		; "P"
 0128 2A0	[PTWIN]		SETDEC
;---------------------- Make sure starting point is less than 1e10
 0129 0F8			READ	3(x)
 012A 128			WRIT	4(L)
 012B 2FE			?C#0	MS
 012C 033			JNC	+6 0132
 012D 23E			C=C+1	MS
 012E 389052	(adat)		?NCGO	[ERRAD] 14E2
 0130 0B50A2	(derr)		?NCGO	[ERRDE] 282D
 0132 2EE			?C#0	ALL
 0133 3EB			JNC	(derr) -3 0130
 0134 2F6			?C#0	XS
 0135 3DF			JC	(derr) -5 0130
 0136 31C	(cklp)		R=	1
 0137 2E2			?C#0	@R
 0138 3C7			JC	(derr) -8 0130
 0139 10E			A=C	ALL
 013A 3EE	(shflp)		LSHFA	ALL
 013B 386			RSHFA	S&X
 013C 35A			?A#0	M
 013D 023			JNC	(go) +4 0141
 013E 1A6			A=A-1	S&X
 013F 3BF			JC	(cklp) -9 0136
 0140 3D3			JNC	(shflp) -6 013A
;---------------------- Calc Base number as #-(#Mod30 +1), Min Startnumber is 29
 0141 1A0	(go)		A=B=C=0		;clean slate
 0142 0F8			READ	3(x)	;Calc #Mod30 and store #-#MOD30-1 in x as new base number
 0143 128			WRIT	4(L)	;put it in LastX
 0144 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;save it into A
 0145 1A6			A=A-1	S&X	;chec if it is at least >=10
 0146 14F			JC	[MinST] +41 016F	;Goto MinStart = 11
 0147 166			A=A+1	S&X
 0148 35C			R=	12
 0149 0D0			LD@R	3	;Load 30
 014A 226			C=C+1	S&X
 014B 070			N=C
 014C 171064			?NCXQ	[MOD10] 195C	;C=AModC = #Mod30
 014E 070			N=C		;save #Mod30 into N
 014F 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;prep for MF [AddOne]
 0150 08E			B=A	ALL
 0151 001060			?NCXQ	[ADDONE] 1800	; disturbs M
 0153 2BE			C=-C-1	MS
 0154 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;A=-(#Mod30+1)
 0155 0F8			READ	3(x)
 0156 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;C=-(#Mod30+1), A=#
 0157 01D060			?NCXQ	[AD2_10] 1807	;C=A+C; disturbs M
 0159 0E8			WRIT	3(x)	;this is our base # BN
;------------------------ Calc actual start number which is BN + 12, 18 or 20
 015A 0B0	[CASN]		C=N		;now lets find out where to actually start looking for twins
 015B 266			C=C-1	S&X	;if <=10 then we start at BN + 12
 015C 12F			JC	(Ad12) +37 0181
 015D 35C			R=	12
 015E 262			C=C-1	@R	;it could be 10 or 11
 015F 2FA			?C#0	M
 0160 10B			JNC	(Ad12) +33 0181	;it was 10
 0161 2E2			?C#0	@R	;only true if >=20
 0162 0A7			JC	(Ad30) +20 0176
 0163 3D4			R=R-1
 0164 262			C=C-1	@R	;was it 11?
 0165 2FA			?C#0	M
 0166 0DB			JNC	(Ad12) +27 0181	;it was 11 indeed
 0167 2FC			RCR	13	;as S&X= 0, this is de facto a LSHF C
 0168 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0169 04E			C=0	ALL
 016A 35C			R=	12;
 016B 1D0			LD@R	7	;<(11+7=18)?
 016C 1DA			A=A-C	M
 016D 077			JC	(Ad18) +14 017B	;otherwise it is Ad30
 016E 043			JNC	(Ad30) +8 0176	;Add 30
;---------------------- Min Startnumber is 11
 016F 35C	[MinST]		R=	12
 0170 050			LD@R	1
 0171 050			LD@R	1
 0172 226			C=C+1	S&X
 0173 0E8			WRIT	3(x)
 0174 308			SETF	1	;we want to start at [FST]
 0175 0F3			JNC	[Exit] +30 0193
;---------------------- Ad 12, 18 or 30 to Startnumber
 0176 008	(Ad30)		SETF	3	;we want to start at [TRD]
 0177 04E			C=0	ALL	;Add 30 to BN
 0178 35C			R=	12
 0179 0D0			LD@R	3
 017A 063			JNC	[CSN] +12 0186	;Calc Start Number
 017B 208	(Ad18)		SETF	2	;we want to start at [SND]
 017C 04E			C=0	ALL
 017D 35C			R=	12
 017E 050			LD@R	1
 017F 210			LD@R	8
 0180 033			JNC	[CSN] +6 0186	;Calc Start Number
 0181 308	(Ad12)		SETF	1	;we want to start at [FST]
 0182 04E			C=0	ALL
 0183 35C			R=	12
 0184 050			LD@R	1
 0185 090			LD@R	2
 0186 226	[CSN]		C=C+1	S&X	;Calc Start Number
 0187 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0188 0F8			READ	3(x)	;BaseNumber BN
 0189 01D060			?NCXQ	[AD2_10] 1807	;StartNumber = BN + addon
 018B 0E8			WRIT	3(x)
 018C 260			SETHEX		;?NCXQREL needs HEX mode
 018D 30C			?FSET	1	;we want to start at FST - Start = BN + 12
 018E 13F			JC	[FST] +39 01B5
 018F 20C			?FSET	2	;we want to start at SND - Start = BN + 12+6 = BN+18
 0190 177			JC	[SND] +46 01BE
 0191 00C			?FSET	3	;we want to start at TRD - Start = BN + 12+6+12 = BN+30
 0192 1A7			JC	[TRD] +52 01C6
 0193 0C3	[Exit]		JNC	[START] +24 01AB
;-------------------------------------- End of Finding Starting Number ---------------------------------------
;----------------------------- We Found a PTWIN, placed here to make jump-distances <64
 0194 1B0	[FPT]		POPADR		;we found a PTWIN it is in X
 0195 04E			C=0	ALL
 0196 358			ST=C
 0197 3E0			RTN
;----------------------------- Check if Prime +2 is also Prime - placed here so that JC can get to it within 64 words
 0198 2A0	[C+2]		SETDEC
 0199 0F8			READ	3(x)
 019A 268			WRIT	9(Q)
 019B 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 019C 04E			C=0	ALL
 019D 35C			R=	12
 019E 090			LD@R	2
 019F 01D060			?NCXQ	[AD2_10] 1807
 01A1 0E8			WRIT	3(x)
 01A2 260			SETHEX
 01A3 37903C0CA			?NCXQREL	[PPRIM] 00CA
 01A6 2EE			?C#0	ALL	;Did we find a prime number?
 01A7 36B			JNC	[FPT] -19 0194	;Yes, exit the program
 01A8 278			READ	9(Q)	;No, return to main loop
 01A9 0E8			WRIT	3(x)
 01AA 3E0			RTN
;-------------------------------------- Start of PTWIN Searching Loop ------------------------------------------
 01AC 37903C0CA			?NCXQREL	[PPRIM] 00CA	;PRIM finishes in HEX mode
 01AF 2EE			?C#0	ALL	;Did we find a prime number?
 01B0 37903C198			?NCXQREL	[C+2] 0198	;Yes, so also check #+2
 01B3 308			SETF	1	;No, lets move on to next. Let [+12] we are [FST]
 01B4 0D3			JNC	[N+12] +26 01CE	;Add 12 to current number in X
 01B5 304	[FST]		CLRF	1
 01B6 37903C0CA			?NCXQREL	[PPRIM] 00CA
 01B9 2EE			?C#0	ALL	;Did we find a prime number?
 01BA 37903C198			?NCXQREL	[C+2] 0198	;Yes, so also check #+2
 01BD 14B			JNC	[N+6] +41 01E6	;No, lets move to next 
 01BE 37903C0CA	[SND]		?NCXQREL	[PPRIM] 00CA
 01C1 2EE			?C#0	ALL	;Did we find a prime number?
 01C2 37903C198			?NCXQREL	[C+2] 0198	;Yes, so also check #+2
 01C5 04B			JNC	[N+12] +9 01CE	;No, lets move to next 
 01C6 37903C0CA	[TRD]		?NCXQREL	[PPRIM] 00CA
 01C9 2EE			?C#0	ALL	;Did we find a prime number?
 01CA 37903C198			?NCXQREL	[C+2] 0198	;Yes, so also check #+2
 01CD 2F3			JNC	[START] -34 01AB	;No, so lets keep looking
;------------------------------- End of PTWIN Searching Loop
;-------- Add 12 to X
 01CE 2A0	[N+12]		SETDEC
 01CF 0F8			READ	3(x)	; Add 12 to current number in Reg x
 01D0 01C			R=	3
 01D1 2E2	(sffd)		?C#0	@R
 01D2 01F			JC	(ffd) +3 01D5
 01D3 3DC			R=R+1
 01D4 3EB			JNC	(sffd) -3 01D1
 01D5 3DC	(ffd)		R=R+1
 01D6 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 01D7 04E			C=0	ALL
 01D8 050			LD@R	1
 01D9 090			LD@R	2
 01DA 14E			A=A+C	ALL
 01DB 35E			?A#0	MS
 01DC 023			JNC	(novfl) +4 01E0
 01DD 166			A=A+1	S&X
 01DE 3E6			LSHFA	S&X
 01E0 0AE	(novfl)		A<>C	ALL
 01E1 0E8			WRIT	3(x)
 01E2 260			SETHEX		;Set HEX mode for ?NCXQREL that comes in main loop
 01E3 30C			?FSET	1	;Did we come from First ?
 01E4 28F			JC	[FST] -47 01B5	;Yes
 01E5 30B			JNC	[TRD] -31 01C6	;No, it was the last one
;-------- Add 6 to X
 01E6 2A0	[N+6]		SETDEC
 01E7 0F8			READ	3(x)	;Add 6 to current number in Reg x
 01E8 01C			R=	3
 01E9 2E2	(sffd6)		?C#0	@R
 01EA 01F			JC	(ffd6) +3 01ED
 01EB 3DC			R=R+1
 01EC 3EB			JNC	(sffd6) -3 01E9
 01ED 0AE	(ffd6)		A<>C	ALL
 01EE 04E			C=0	ALL
 01EF 190			LD@R	6
 01F0 14E			A=A+C	ALL
 01F1 35E			?A#0	MS
 01F2 023			JNC	(novfl6) +4 01F6
 01F3 166			A=A+1	S&X
 01F4 3E6			LSHFA	S&X
 01F5 38E			RSHFA	ALL
 01F6 0AE	(novfl6)	A<>C	ALL
 01F7 0E8			WRIT	3(x)
 01F8 260			SETHEX		;Set HEX mode for ?NCXQREL that comes in main loop
 01F9 22B			JNC	[SND] -59 01BE
* [C+2]		0198	REL	01B0 01BA 01C2 01CA 
* [CASN]	015A	REL	
* [CSN]		0186	REL	017A 0180 
* [Chk1]	00AC	REL	00A8 
* [Chk2]	00B3	REL	
* [ExitNP]	00C4	REL	00BF 00F2 
* [ExitP2]	010C	REL	0108 
* [ExitP]	00C1	REL	00B2 
* [Exit]	0193	REL	0175 
* [FFACT]	008E	REL	0004 
* [FPT]		0194	REL	01A7 
* [FST]		01B5	REL	018E 01E4 
* [Header]	0088	REL	0002 
* [MinST]	016F	REL	0146 
* [N+12]	01CE	REL	01B4 01C5 
* [N+6]		01E6	REL	01BD 
* [PCTOC]	00D7	ABS	
* [PPRIM]	00CA	REL	00C0 01A3 01AC 01B6 01BE 01C6 
* [PTWIN]	0128	REL	0006 
* [SND]		01BE	REL	0190 01F9 
* [START]	01AB	REL	0193 01CD 
* [TRD]		01C6	REL	0192 01E5 
* [ploop]	00E4	REL	010B 
* (Ad12)	0181	REL	015C 0160 0166 
* (Ad18)	017B	REL	016D 
* (Ad30)	0176	REL	0162 016E 
* (adat)	012E	REL	
* (adatp)	0099	REL	
* (bis0)	00F8	REL	00F6 
* (cklp)	0136	REL	013F 
* (cklpp)	00A1	REL	00AA 
* (derr)	0130	REL	0133 0135 0138 
* (derrp)	009B	REL	009E 00A0 00A3 
* (ffd)		01D5	REL	01D2 
* (ffd6)	01ED	REL	01EA 
* (go)		0141	REL	013D 
* (noovfl)	0102	REL	00FC 
* (novfl)	01E0	REL	01DC 
* (novfl6)	01F6	REL	01F2 
* (sffd)	01D1	REL	01D4 
* (sffd6)	01E9	REL	01EC 
* (shflp)	013A	REL	0140 
* (shflpp)	00A5	REL	00AB 
* (shlp2)	00B4	REL	00B6 
* (sub)		00E9	REL	00EA 00EE 
* [AD2_10]	1807	0157 0189 019F 
* [ADDONE]	1800	0151 
* [ERRAD]	14E2	0099 012E 
* [ERRDE]	282D	009B 0130 
* [MOD10]	195C	014C 
* [SQR10]	18BE	00CC 
* A41:  0 WARNINGS(S)
* A41:  0 ERROR(S)

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